Fed up with GM's GML editor? Too slow and clunky? Well, the answer is here.
Welcome the latest GML Editor, LiteGML. It's fast, easy, and convenient. LiteGML can be run as a stand-alone program for editing GML files, or as a replacement editor for the built-in GM one. Either function works perfectly.Merely download, unzip, and run! You can set the LiteGML exe as your default Script editor in Gamemaker's preferences, and then the possibilities become unimaginable.Downloads:Version 1.0
Heh, nice. I already told you my comments via MSN, so I won't bother here.
Um…I know you made this in Python, but…why do my scrollbars not resize with the window?
But other than that, all this baby needs is syntax highlighting and I'd use it for sure. Probably due to my computer sucking, editing GML scripts with GM's built-in editor is really slow and clunky, especially when there's a million comments.Okay.I downloaded. It doesn't have color coding >.<
When it doesn't have color coding I can't stand coding i it.The scrollbars don't resize well with the window.I tried save as, then canlled.When I closed the program it said an error ocurred, this was written in the log file:Exception in Tkinter callbackTraceback (most recent call last): File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1345, in __call__TypeError: save() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)OK, argument errors - fixed next version.
Colour-coding - Yeah, I am working on that, but it's bloody hard.Uh….. whats wrong with the regular editer? [:P]
Have you written a script which declares several dozen 2D arrays? You, know ones which are 100+ lines long? It takes half my CPU to open and close it.
It had alot of errors.
Compareson:built-in:colour-coding, is great, has functions/other stuff in a bar.liteGML: sux, doesn't work very good, notepads better!, DOESN'T CHECK FOR SYNTAX AND YOU CALL IT A GML EDITOR?please make it a gml editor, not a bad vesrion of notepad please.lol, error plaza:
Exception in Tkinter callbackTraceback (most recent call last): File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1345, in __call__TypeError: load() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)Exception in Tkinter callbackTraceback (most recent call last): File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1345, in __call__TypeError: save() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)Traceback (most recent call last): File "LiteGML.py", line 11, in ? File "Tkinter.pyc", line 1448, in wm_iconbitmap_tkinter.TclError: bitmap "lgml.ico" not definedWell, if you look past your flaming, I have one Repeat bug report from you, and a bunch of ignorance of the GM Built-In editor.
To quote theman:What's the point? Yeah, it's fast, but they're no auto-indention, it doesn't auto color stuff or give you help, it's good for advanced users that write huge scripts, but it's not good for noobs.