Posted by flashback on May 18, 2006, 5:57 p.m.

Fed up with GM's GML editor? Too slow and clunky? Well, the answer is here.

Welcome the latest GML Editor, LiteGML. It's fast, easy, and convenient. LiteGML can be run as a stand-alone program for editing GML files, or as a replacement editor for the built-in GM one. Either function works perfectly.

Merely download, unzip, and run! You can set the LiteGML exe as your default Script editor in Gamemaker's preferences, and then the possibilities become unimaginable.


Version 1.0


thunderbolt 18 years, 7 months ago

Sorry but what's the difference between this and notepad?It's just like notepad.Even notepad has more features.If you make something like color coding or more features like that, it will be cooler.

I realized something when i was writing.For use with built in editor:If you drag&drop 2 or 3 pieces of code instead of 1 piece of code it may be faster.But finding your code can be difficult.I mean after 80-100 lines of code, you can close the window and continue by putting one more piece of code event.Repeat this till end.

At last, nice work Flashback.Using phython instead of GM is a good ability.It's not as easy as GM.I congradulate you for this.