Public Transport

Posted by flashback on Dec. 1, 2005, 7:54 p.m.

Here is my rant about public transport.

Now, normally I don't have a problem with public transport. However, I do when the drivers are stupid and evil. Seriously.

Take of instance the morning bus driver I used to have. He was a radical racist - any non white person who got on the bus was immediately criticised about something, like "I can't understand what you are saying right now" when they ask for a transfer, or "You didn't show me your bus pass long enough, stupid". I hated this guy. He looked at people with acne like dirt - he seriously sneers at every acne-prone kid who gets on the bus.

Now, this same bus driver like to pick on the elderly. An old lady who couldn't move very fast was moving as fast as she could toward the bus stop. The driver slowed down as if to stop for her, but kept going at a fairly low speed. This made it take longer for the lady to catch the bus. When she got on, he said "Run next time you're late, old woman! I'm only going to put as much effert into waiting for you as you put into catching the bus!". After she had moved farther down the bus, I distinctly heard him say "Stupid old hags".

Now I rant more about this same bus driver - this time with letting people off the bus. Every time somebody with a backpack got off, he tried to close the doors on their backpack. And this isn't just him closing too fast without noticing what he was doing occaisonally - this was intentional. <b>Every</b> person with a backpack got this treatment. Several times when he actually caught somebody's backpack he would start driving while they were still stuck, then stop about a minute later and let them go, then start driving, chuckling the whole time.

I stopped taking that bus, and I thought I was free of sadistic bus drivers. I was very, very wrong.

Today I was getting to a bus stop to take a bus home (not the same bus route I took in the morning, so it wasn't the same guy). A little kid, maybe grade four was heading to the same stop. The bus pulled up while we were still some distance away. The driver saw us as we ran to catch the bus, the little kid having been ahead of my on the path and having noticed the bus earlier than I did got to the doors first. The bus driver waited for the kid to get to the door of the bus (which was closed, but it's cold, so you can't blame him/her for keeping it cold and not freezing everybody else on the bus), then drove off at full speed. Not just like the kid was still running when this happened. The kid was standing right at those doors, waiting to get on. And the bus didn't slowly leave. it went out of there pretty much as fast as those buses can accelerate under normal circumstances.

So that was my experiences with public transit, and I'll end with a warning: Always expect the worst from a new bus driver, it's safer that way.


poultry 19 years, 2 months ago

that guy is a faggot

ludamad 19 years, 2 months ago

Haha that bus driver is so childish

Maxcore 19 years, 2 months ago

What do you expect from public transportation drivers? They all have wasted lives, live with their moms, and wish they hadn't fucked up so much. Now all thats left is to pick on little kids.

ludamad 19 years, 2 months ago

I think you are talking about 40 year olds who work at mcdonalds.

melee-master 19 years, 2 months ago

I think some complaints need to be registered, or someone should stand up to him. Hold the bus hostage!

firestormx 19 years, 2 months ago

*giggles at the bus driver*

I suppose if you gave me control of a bus, I would get bored and do the exact same thing.

melee-master 19 years, 2 months ago

XD, good point.

firestormx 19 years, 2 months ago

"So I went down to Detroit last week. [This is a Canadian comedian] Some guy walked on to a bus, pulled a gun on the driver, and said "Gimme the money", then he got shot by 12 different people."

ludamad 19 years, 2 months ago

haha lol