I've been sitting here for 10 minutes, wondering what would make a cool first post but I can't think of anything so I'm just going to make the first sentence of my first blog post a run on sentence, just because.
anywaysz, my name is tzvety and gunzet showed me this website because I wanted a rad place to post my art and meet new kewl people.I'm just going to post some of my most recent shiz, and then i'll post a few of my favorites. Warning, nudity and stuffSteveEdit: Nudity warning

not that I mean to objectify women or anything or like sexualize lesbians in any way but io mea not that I'm umm all athat and umm but ahsdashfsga,jk as i've said beforfdses I AM TERRIBLE AT BEING A FEMINSIATPOUNCE IS A LESBIAN FU KCCCCK YEAHand yeah, you seem cool. anyone who knows eva is automatically cool in my books.
so, im gonna add you as wellHey, Welcome to 64Digits, where opinions can incite riot! (oh, no wait….That's Reddit)
- don't feed ChIkEn (Bull, everyone should be feeding ChIkEn)- Blame JuurianChi for everything- And if you're a noob become a newboh, and potfrog.Nice artwork, Dude.You should do image number 3 from the top without the geisha-head. Looks really good, except for the head IMO. Overall really nice art!
The art is great. I love that peacock.
Hey. A new person. Sweet.
Welcome to 64Digits!@mmorpg_guy: hey man, I'm not very good at being a feminsiat either. I'm not really good at being a feminist either acshully
@Snakeman: YOU ARE A GENTLEMAN AND A SCHOLAR@JiD: Thanks dood! Gunz is a cool bro@CyrusRoberto: IF I SEE THAT FUCKING CAT ONE MORE TIME@JuurianChi: Thankyou for the warm welcome! I hope to be a newb@Mordi: Aaaah thanks that you pointed that out. A friend told me to turn her into a geisha, and then he told me about subtle-ty but I had no idea what he meant until now <_> @Polystyrene_Man & Qwilderwibben: Thanks guys!Oh hey welcome. It's always good to see a new person around these here parts. Look out for the bronies.
Really liking your art style.