Dating friends! Xmas! New Year!
I've been helping my friend out who has been having some relationship problems of his own. I'll use my freedom as a blogger to bore you with the details.
They have been dating for a week or so and they have already hit some road-bumps. They both really like each …Winter Ball; AKA rape.
So Winter ball was last night. And all I can say is:
Giggidy Giggidy.If any of you have taken long enough to understand my personality, I am considered the "friendly man whore." This is fine with me because it usually involves me getting way more action than I …Photoshop Gone Wild
I've been trying to get a little more experienced with PS: CS2 since I have it. Here are some things that I've made in the mean time:
^^Just a huge tile of some grass, this is really easy to do.^^Really cool effect that took longer than I expected to …If you don't laugh at these...
I was lucky enough to stumble across some of my bands recordings last year.
First, lemme give you the lowdown on our band:Me (Foster): I am the bassist, and at this point, I had almost no idea what I was doing. I could sorta walk a line and …Fridays Rule
Do you know that sweet feeling after completing a stressful week of school?
It's called Friday. Yes, this day is so beautiful that it emits a feeling that can be taken up by humans. I am so glad…So glad that it's Friday.And you know what Friday night means? …The Coolest Number Ever
I have discovered the coolest number ever.
We were in Algebra 2 and we were reviewing complex fractions and exponents.0 to the 0th power, has no mathematical meaning.Let me explain: Any number (besdies 0) to the 0th power is one.x^n * x^0 = x^n (x^n+0)This shows …War Rock -- Awesome FPS
I'm glad I am not a Mod
I was just reading up on some of Flashback's blogs and realized that I am pretty happy that I am not a moderator of any sorts.
First thing you probably think is Aww, I'd be so cool to be a mod, you get to be in control of everything, and …Good times, Bad times
I had the most confusing night of my life on Sunday. I'll copy and paste a conversation with a friend of mine that pretty much sums up the entire night: