How to Jailbreak your iPod/iPhone

Posted by foslock on Dec. 24, 2007, 8:28 p.m.

This is my rough draft of a How To about how to jailbreak your iPod Touch or iPhone. Hopefully some of you have an iPod or iPhone to test this out with :)

Hey, if you're reading this you either have an iPod that you want to explore more or you are curious what other peoples iPod's are capable of.

As of now (current iPod/iPhone update from apple: v1.1.2) everything in this tutorial/FAQ applies to both the iPod and iPhone. I will only say iPod because I'm a lazy typer.

This tutorial assumes that you have a Wi-fi Connection at your disposal.

First of all, you need to figure out what firmware version you have.

1) Plug your iPod in to your PC/Mac and open up iTunes.

2) Click on your iPod in the devices list.

You should have either v1.1.1 or v1.1.2. If you have something different, (less than v1.1.1) then skip the first two sections of this FAQ.

If you have v1.1.1, read here:

This is the easiest part of the tutorial.

1) Navigate to ( on your iPod in Safari

2) Scroll down and click "Install App-Snapp"

3) Safari should crash to your home screen and just wait for 30-40 seconds until your iPod restarts itself.

4) You should see a new icon on your home screen called Installer.

5) Open it up and install "BSD Subsystems", "Community Sources", and "SummerBoard".

6) You are free to install anything you want (for free) from Installer.

If you have v1.1.2, read here:

If you have upgraded, you will have a little more work on your hands. You are essentially downgrading your firmware and then jailbreaking.

1) Download the v1.1.1 firmware it should have this filename: iPod1,1_1.1.1_3A110a_Restore.ipsw

2) Put your iPod into recovery mode (Hold the sleep + home button until the iPod shuts off, and then let go of the sleep button, still holding the home button, until a picture of the iTunes logo with the iPod cable appears.

3) Plug your iPod into your PC/Mac, the start up iTunes.

4) Hold SHIFT (PC) or OPTION (Mac) and click "Restore" in your iPod summary. Navigate to the file you downloaded in step 1, and click OK.

5) The restore should work (shouldn't delete media) but an error 1015 is expected at the end.

6) Download this file here ( and run "windows.bat" (PC) or "jailbreak.jar" (Mac). Then click "Boot from Recovery".

7) Your iPod should boot up and go to step 1 pf the v1.1.1 tutorial.

Many people like to update to v1.1.2 using a program called OktoPrep but since there is nothing noticeably different in v1.1.2, I prefer to just stick with v1.1.1.

If you have a version lower than v1.1.1, read here:

You really haven't updated your iPod for a while if this is the case. We will just upgrade it to v1.1.1 which is the best firmware for jailbreaking.

1) Plug your iPod into your PC/Mac.

2) Download the file in step 1 of the v1.1.2 section.

3) Hold SHIFT (PC) or OPTION (Mac) and click "Restore" in your iPod summary. Navigate to the file you downloaded in step 2, and click OK.

4) Wait.

5) Once your iPod is back up and running, go to the v1.1.1 tutorial.

Everything in this tutorial is what I've had to do on more than one occasion. But if the very rare case of a damaged iPod/iPhone pops up, I will not be held responsible. Don't blame the messenger!

This has worked for everyone I know so there shouldn't be any problems. I am available for help on AIM as foslock and would love to help you if you run into trouble. ( is a GREAT resource for this stuff, and I'm sure many people there can help you better than I can.

Thanks for reading, and happy jailbreaking!


iPod Touch: iPhysics v0.7 + gpsPhone v1.0.0 (

iPod Touch: iPhysics v0.9.8 + Other Apps (

Some of the things you can do with jailbreaked iPod :D

Hope this works out, please comment if something went wrong, and IM me on AIM or send me a PM.

Hope you had (having, or will have) a great holiday, and have an awesome New Year!

Long Live 64D!


Cesar 17 years, 1 month ago

meh, I jailbroke both of my parents' iPhones like a month ago… it's too simple…

foslock 17 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, unless you've upgraded to v1.1.2 then I think its worth a How To.

gtvg 17 years, 1 month ago

I want 1!

OBELISK 17 years, 1 month ago

Foslock? You're alive?!

basilamer 17 years, 1 month ago

I have an iPod touch. =P I'll test it out. I have V1.1.2 though.

basilamer 17 years, 1 month ago

Oh, AppSnap? I've had that before. Pretty pwn.

abacus 17 years, 1 month ago

The Neo1973 is made to be hackable, you idiot George. It's open source so you can basically hack it any which way.

foslock 17 years, 1 month ago

Yes, I am alive. I constantly visit 64D but I haven't really been posting too much. Thanks for everyone who still cares about me :)

Lapixx 17 years, 1 month ago

Too bad that this App-snapp kills your iPod at some points (some official software may not work correctly). Anyway apple is releasing an official SDK somewhere this year (2008) so no need to jailbreak it anymore then ;)