The Issue with FF12

Posted by frank34443 on Feb. 10, 2007, 12:31 p.m.

This is for all of you final fantasy fans out there. Final Fantasy 12, I got it for Christmas, and I'm still playing it. I'm 30 hours into it. I have found some really big issues with it which just don't make it like its predecessors. What Im trying to say is, Final Fantasy 12's characters are not deep enough, the story is not too interesting, and lastly, there aren't enough cut scene's which move the story along. All of these problems contribute to the big problem in the game. Lack of interest. I usually play it about 3 times a week for 2 hours a day, but I haven't played it for over a week now, and I really would like to, but there isn't anything keeping me or attracting me to it. I mean, does anyone remember final fantasy 7, or any of the other ones? You were so concerned about the characters that you couldn't get up from it at 2am on a school night. You wanted to know what will happen next. In this final fantasy, what you do is:

1. Go to town and stock up on supplies

2. Go to a dungeon or a dangerous place and fight through several monsters to find an item.

3. Watch a cut scene which moves the story along.

4. Repeat…

I don't know about you but it's getting annoying for me, It just isn't the same. Overall it is still a really good game… but it just isn't the same thing true fans are used to.

On a side note though, graphics are amazing.


liquid 18 years ago

FFX-2 was a horrible game, nothing more to be said about it. FF7 was hard and made me cut my wrists and bleed over my PS1 and FFX made me love FF again. I think FFXII is repetitive because of the way the battle system is now, it seemed more strategic before where as now you just turn on gambits and eat cheetos. The cutscenes are amazing but it just seems like they fed this game to us to hold us off until FFXIII comes out on PS3. I am about 30-40 hours in and I accidently hit the power switch and haven't played it in atleast 2 months.

Cesar 18 years ago

how the hell do you accidentally hit the power switch??

frank34443 18 years ago

LOL.. well gambit system is pretty annoying but if you set it up right its great. I also think FF7 rules all other ff's, in story, gamplay, and every other aspect except graphics. Maybe if it had actual dialogue it might be better.

I gotta motivate myself to actually finish this ff btw…any tips?