64dc my games options?

Posted by fromsoysauce on April 22, 2014, 11:15 a.m.

You only get to see the OP menu when you boot up the game, so that you can decide how you want to experience it, also for those of you with less powerful computers, you can have all the pretty effects taken off to increase performance. (I've also done my best to optimize the game otherwise)

Wondering about that language option? Well it's real, there is an actual Japanese translation ready, because this game does not have much text

Hey it works!


death 10 years, 10 months ago

I'm sure you're giving him more hassle than he'll get from the rest of the people who will play this game. :P
you guys must be unfamiliar with the internet lol.

2) Not everyone who plays games on a pc is a "PC Gamer".
You're right, there are some people who play games on PC's that don't play games on PC, i forgot about those people.

Either way, PC gamers are still going to play your game… i've begun to notice many indie devs often don't give a damn about the player's opinions or platform standards, instead they stubbornly do everything their way. Some times that really works out and a unique and interesting piece of art is created, however most of the time it results in an awkward disaster-piece of a game. I really hope it isn't the later in your case.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago


Sorry Death, but clearly you don't know what a "PC gamer" is, or even a "target audience" for that matter.

To say that anyone who has ever played a game on the PC (let's say, Pinball or Minesweeper) is a PC gamer makes about as much sense as saying that that someone is a Nintendo fanboy because they've played Mario Kart before.

death 10 years, 10 months ago

I have no clue? So you're saying that someone who has only played Solitaire on their PC is the type of person who would play your game? Just who do you think visits indie game sites? Your grandparents?

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago


You are just putting words in my mouth.

Just go home death.

Acid 10 years, 10 months ago

Everybody chill.

@Death: What are you trying to accomplish? If you're giving him tips, give him tips… but it's coming off rude and that's not cool.

@fromsoysauce: The best thing I've learned over the years is that most people aren't trying to be negative - even when you can't see it. Sometimes they are, but either way the best way to respond is not with more negativity.


death 10 years, 10 months ago

I was just trying to help but since this is the internet, this is what i get in response. okay FromSoySauce, this is your blog and if you want me out of it, than so be it. Good luck on your project. Bye~

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 10 months ago

Guys, we need to bring death back!!!

fromsoysauce 10 years, 10 months ago

@Acid I've been trying to be patient with death (that sounded weird). But his "help" doesn't seem to be more than trying to offer me a holy umbrella during a rainy day: Tips that don't apply to the the effect I'm going for.