Posted by fromsoysauce on Sept. 14, 2014, 11:40 p.m.



fromsoysauce 10 years, 4 months ago

Now I know! I'm going to set up a station this week in California for it's first playable appearance at TouhouCon. It will also be the first ever Touhou Super Smash Battles Tournament. The winner gets to decide a character to be in the roster.

But the first public demo is planned to come out in January.

Castypher 10 years, 4 months ago

This is impressive progress for such a short period of time. How many hours do you put in per day? Because I'm almost lead to believe you don't have many other life obligations, which would be a godsend to any game developer.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 4 months ago

Heh, I wish it was the only thing I had to do. I have college to attend to, and I take the art shows that I partake in very seriously as well. Not to mention that I need to spend 4 hours a day riding the bus back and forth to school. I usually get between 4 and 7 hours of progress done every day.

Acid 10 years, 4 months ago

Art shows?

Also, good stuff, man! Some of the air stuff seems a little glitchy (freezing midair for noticeably long periods of time) even though I think it was intentional… I don't remember SSB or SSBM having people just stop stoically - not falling or moving - in the air waiting to get punched.

colseed 10 years, 4 months ago

(freezing midair for noticeably long periods of time) even though I think it was intentional… I don't remember SSB or SSBM having people just stop stoically - not falling or moving - in the air waiting to get punched.
Time stops and time manipulation are Sakuya's specialty, and that's two Sakuyas in that video there. Also, I'm pretty sure the little sound that plays right as it happens each time is the time stop one from SWR/Hisoutensoku.

Are you planning to have special passive abilities like this for many of the other characters on the roster?

fromsoysauce 10 years, 4 months ago

Colseed is correct.

And yes, all characters will have 2 SSB like throws, 1 tactical throw (in Sakuya's case, her down throw) and 1 "Special" throw (in Sakuya's case her up throw) which brings out their defining element.

Acid 10 years, 4 months ago

Whelp, now you guys know my not-so-secret: I'm just a regular nerd and not an otaku. Senpai will never notice me now.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 4 months ago

I actually am not an otaku either, I just happen to be a big enough Touhou fan to want to see it in the form of Smash Bros.

There was never a real word used for the peeps of the Touhou fanbase. But I always liked to affectionately use the term "Tow-Hard"

LAR Games 10 years, 4 months ago

Wait, Touhou is an anime? Hmm. I thought it was a game of some sort. What's it about and why is it popular?

fromsoysauce 10 years, 4 months ago

Touhou is not an anime. There are a few fans who have made fan made animations for it though, but only in the exact same sense that I am a fan who is making a fan game of it.


Touhou is a series of over 20 games that dates back to 1996. It follows the adventures of Reimu the priestess and Marisa the witch and how they independently solve mysteries caused by vampires, ghosts, messiahs and gods.