Posted by fromsoysauce on Sept. 14, 2014, 11:40 p.m.



colseed 10 years, 5 months ago

Linking to a Fantasy Kaleidoscope English dub before the subbed versions? fss how could you

But yeah, it's a series of bullet hell games made by the one-man army called ZUN. Known for good music, character design, and story/character basis in Japanese and other mythologies.

The creator has actually been opposed to the idea of having an official Touhou anime, which is why asking if Touhou is an anime can be a bit of a contentious subject, but that hasn't stopped groups like MAIKAZE dragging in a few mildly high profile voice actresses to make a couple legit anime episodes the second of which is actually kinda pro-looking now that i glance at it again like dayum.

edit: also, obligatory mention of fanmade 3d recreations I've become obsessed with attempting to simulate in realtime using Unity. Because that vid just never gets old for me.

I could go on for hours about just how much fanmade material there is to this series, but this comment already has too much stuff to process comfortably in one sitting in it.

fromsoysauce 10 years, 5 months ago

Colseed, just remember, that the original Fantasy Kaleidoscope wasn't in English OR Japanese. It was voiceless!

colseed 10 years, 5 months ago

shhhhhh we do not speak of those days

they were sad days

Step 1: figure out collision detection FOR ALL OF THOSE 3D BULLETS GODDAMN.
unity3d has this function called Physics.CheckSphere that introduces practically no overhead and it is wonderful

Amarin 10 years, 5 months ago

Is this being made with U3D in GM like your other stuff? It looks quite nice, as always.

Quote: colseed
unity3d has this function called Physics.CheckSphere that introduces practically no overhead and it is wonderful

Noted. Thank you very much. I'll have to compare it to the raycast setup I've been working with since last year.

colseed 10 years, 4 months ago

If you've only been using raycasting, you might be interested in the some of the other static methods in the Physics class too - it's got stuffs like rotated capsule checking and sphere/capsule-casting. I mostly used sphere checks because they're fast and I figured most of the bullets would be slow-moving enough that it wouldn't matter, but for fast bullets/things you'd probably want to do some kind of capsule check.