C++ Contest
Ever wanted to enter a C++ contest but was afraid of competition. Now, it's about ideas and all you need to know is the basic text functions of C++. We're having a text game contest, because not everyone cando graphics. Click <a href="http://s9.invisionfree.com/CPPgamedev/index.php?showtopic=428">Here</a> for more information. Feel free …
Goodybye 64Digits, and Thank You
64Digit Staff and members, thank you for all the fun times. I mean free hosting is one thing, but I mean FSX is just a great guy. He helped me with a lot of stuff PHP, MySQL, and gave me space to practice. The interesting blogs, cool forums, soft discussions, …
Bored Out of My Socks
Hey, what's up people? I haven't made a blog enty in a while, well maybe I did make one recently who knows. That's not the point, the point is…well nothing. This site's had a recent surge of activity, which is quite good. We get quite a few blog entries a …
WWII Role-playing
Like role-playing, story telling or WWII? Check out the forums or <a href="http://64digits.com/forums/index.php?topic=57">Here</a> and join up as a soldier. Come on it'll be sweet.
Cheers,gamehawk64Digits Magazine
I think a 64D magazine would be sweet. We could have a nice design from someone (biggmax or canadonian). We could have 64D news, political news, GM News, Gaming News, tutorials, graphics showcases, game reviews, previews, polls, political debates (those are fun), puzzles, and a ton of cool stuff. People …
64Digits New Agenda
After numerous server, script, and MySQL errors, I have realized 64d's latest, yet accidental agenda. In an attempt to replace the annoying, frustrating, and frequent downtimes of GMC eliminated by the new server, 64d is attempting to relive the great many hours of hair pulling and clicking the refresh buttons. …
An Odd Game
Here's a little game for your pleasure. Play with this to find out all the possible things to do.
<hr>It's Saturday morning and it's beautiful outside. What do you want to do?<br><a href="" onClick="alert('Nice move Sherlock! You get busted for public indeceny and pay $300. There goes the …Apologies
I regret to inform you that my actions today were unjustifyable. I am sorry and wish I could have taken back what I have said, I acted immature and irresponsible. I am a disgrace to the site and all that have visited it. Please accept my apology.
Thank you,gamehawk64Digits Battle Arena
I had an idea for a sweet game. Want to be in it? It's going to be a 64D battle system. The object is to go through all the levels and win badges *cough*64digits badges*cough* and rise to the top and beat the top boss *cough*firestormx*cough*. You start as a …
Poor Games Badge
This poor games badge is totally unfair. I do make some good games, I just don't upload all of them here. Plus I make games in C++, which get good ratings. How many of you can do that? It's not fair.