Here's a little game for your pleasure. Play with this to find out all the possible things to do.
<hr>It's Saturday morning and it's beautiful outside. What do you want to do?<br><a href="" onClick="alert('Nice move Sherlock! You get busted for public indeceny and pay $300. There goes the Xbox 360 you were saving for.');">Go run around outside in nothing but boxers.</a><br><a href="" onClick="alert('Good move, you just solved the secret Ludablog message. It says <secret message here>');">Read the Saturday edition of Ludablog</a><br><a href="" onClick="alert('Nice one, you upload your game and it gets seen by EA. Wake up its 11:00, dreaming is over.');">Log on to 64digits.</a><hr>It's a school day, what are you going to do?<br><a href="" onClick="alert('You get your test back what a F+???? Your life is over.');">Wake up and go to school.</a><br><a href="" onClick="alert('You download DarkSirius ultra nifty clock and realize that school does not start for an hour.');">Log on to 64digits.</a><br><a href="" onClick="alert('Your parents do not agree with that. You get grounded from 64d for a month.');">Skip school, it's for babies.</a><br><a href="" onClick="alert('It is a Saturday remember??');">School?</a><hr>Enjoy,gamehawk :)
Nice, why does it lead to the user page after the message?
1. I wasn't saving up for a Xbox360; rather HMMM.
2. I would never get a F+ on a quiz, EVER, it would be a A++, and I don't go to school anyway.3. I would NEVER be grounded…. it's pretty much impossible for spoiled brats like me.4. I already tried out DSG's clock, it doesn't tell correct time due to this comps clock.=)lol
Why no school?
Take a few minutes to think about it… honestly.
Skipping school is stupid.
TRUE. whoops, cas lock. anyways, nice looking thingy u got there. funny.