Read it all <a href="">here</a>, or read an excerpt here:
—I’ve been lacking motivation on making an OS, little bursts of energy scramble about here and there, but there’s nothing really driving me. On the other hand making a SubOS seems like a lot of fun right now. The reason is, I know I can do it, and I have the motivation (from competition). The competition at the operating system’s communities doesn’t seem to be too high, and it seems more lonely and loose-knitted. I’m having trouble finding good tutorials for things, things don’t work due to version differences, and cod<a href="">[MORE]</a>—Enjoy, and comment there (or here I guess, but I'd really like it if you commented there). Oh well, you guys probably will only comment here anyways. Thanks for reading.Cheers,gamehawk
So, instead of blogging on 64Digits you're blogging on a different site, and linking it? =(.
Have been for a while, it's WordPress. It's got a load of features, and I can expand my audience.
*destroys gamehawk*Heresy? I doubt it.
I am considering making an 8bit OS. :)
with a command line that just says 'Hello World' when you first enter. That is it.
(As if it'll even do that)
No, of course I'd start with that. But I wanna try to learn OS programming, and make an 8bit one. :)
Sounds cool. You know what, 8 bit would be even easier than 16bit, and it'd be retro too. I love C64's (8 bits), so an 8 bit OS might be a good idea for me too. Don't know.