TWOK Demo v.75

Posted by gtvg on Oct. 1, 2007, 4:31 p.m.

Attack Stuff

Finally, a demo worth downloading, sorta. I have finished the leveling up system, and made your stats go up as you advance. At level 1, you hit 3-6;at level 5, you hit 3-10;at level 20, you hit 3-26.Another thing, there will be no defense stat. Instead, armor will lessen the hit points subtracted when you are hit. For example, say you have iron armor. It's bonus is 10. So instead of a goblin hitting a 15, it would hit a 5.


I have added arrows and they work well. To use them, press and hold space. The longer you hold it, the farther they go. For now, they come from the center of your character and there isn't a bow.


What skills should I include? I will have at least woodcutting and fire making (names pending). Should they be cooking and fletching, like the skills on Runescape? One skill that will definitely be on there that isn't on any other game (that I know of) is Wilderness Survival (name pending). It will be useful when you are in a forest and you are hungry or it is getting dark.(details below)

Light and Dark

An incredibly awesome idea (in my opinion ;)) that I plan to include is a day/night system. That's not the idea.When it gets dark, and you aren't close to light, your attack skill goes down a lot. You also move a little slower. To avoid this, you could either build a fire, or stay near a torch, which is found near or in a city. However, you can use the dark to your advantage, and shoot monsters that are in the dark when you aren't.


Download:here, about 3 mb. PLEASE leave suggestions and comments. All suggestions will be taken seriously, ok not all, but most.

3731 hits



gtvg 17 years, 4 months ago

Yeah, it follows the whole Rpg, medieval theme ;D

MrNitro 17 years, 4 months ago

What is this… KHAN?

gtvg 17 years, 4 months ago

Off of Star Trek i think. lol

MrNitro 17 years, 2 months ago

I hate Star Trek! Go Star Wars!