Yoyo games PETITION/Ice Burst: Not Instant Playable

Posted by gtvg on Dec. 23, 2007, 8:44 p.m.

Yoyo games Petition

Please comment if you were mislead by the Yoyo games competition timer and would like the deadline extended, or at least your game submitted. I have already submitted a help desk ticket to Yoyo games, aking them if I an still submit my game, still no email.

Please sign the petition. This is really unfair.










10.)LavaLamp Studios








18.)Irony Tree





Against Petition


Since Yoyo games has proved itself, once again, to be a piece of crap, I could not submit my game, therefore it will be better. I plan to spend until about 3 or 4 tonight (now it is 8:30.) and submit it when I am finished. I think it had a pretty good chance at winning (not first) and it really sux the idiots used a timer that adjusts to your time zone.

The "64digits" edition will be how I planned for it to be, with online scores and a profile system. Since the game had to be "Compatible with the Instant Play Mechanism," I wasn't going to be able to do that.

The graphics have improved and so has the game play in the past few days. Screen shot anyone?

Look nice???

After Christmas, I am going to change my user name to Kindarkous, new avatar and such.

There are two games you should be looking for in the next month since I am finally wrapping up Ice Burst. TWOK's name has changed to The Legends of Argwaaf. I haven't worked on it in forever, though. The other is Pellets , a bloody (literally) fun shoot 'em up.

I'm glad to get this project over. :)

Merry Christmas!

5697 hits



MrNitro 17 years, 2 months ago

*Signs*… Yeah YYG pretty much sucks. They never answer my e-mails. Oh well! Every day 64 Digits seems to come off more and more as an anti-YYG union thing. I'm all for it!

F1ak3r 17 years, 2 months ago

My game was not entered for other reasons, but, since I don't particularly like YYG… *signs*

stampede 17 years, 2 months ago

Sign me up!

ESA 17 years, 2 months ago

Sign me up too. I don't like YYG.

gtvg 17 years, 2 months ago

Thanks for signing!

Mat 17 years, 2 months ago

I sign. Last time I sent a help ticket to them they replyied after a few day to tell me that they have it, and need a week.

sirxemic 17 years, 2 months ago


Evilish 17 years, 2 months ago

If you can also complain about YYG games needing to use instant play, then yeah I'll sign.

Sign with my felgly pen of un foreseen doom

abacus 17 years, 2 months ago

Signed, abacus.

I like YYG but I don't like it's fucking timer. Also I don't like how YYG's Terms and Conditions say 'you can't use copywrited material in j00r gamez' and then the top-rated game and a staff pick, Crimelife 2, uses copywrited textures and models for all it's gun graphics and most of the faces.

All I had to do was add jumps and tricks and a few more levels to my game (all of which i could have done in the 5 hours I thought i still had) and I would have finished the game. And it was a pretty good game.

necromian 17 years, 2 months ago

*Sign with the blood of a thousand yo yo employees.*