My first blog, but NOT my first project!

Posted by hte_david on Dec. 9, 2007, 3:27 p.m.

Hey, it's me… Well, actually.. Nobody knows who "me" actually is, since I havent been anywhere else. I have been hiding in the shadows for 3 looong years for some weird reason :P So I decided to make this project. It's not just ANY project! It's getting freaking scary! Just the soundtrack by dreamSTATE made my brother "Shit in his pants" so to say. I can't show you any screenshots yet, since the project still is bits and peices put together in a map named "The Big Project" for some odd reason. Actually, all I can say now, is that the title is: From Behind the Clouds. And it's NOT just a quick "discount game" if you prefer to call it that. Not that I'm actually saying that your game is bad… No… More like: I've seen MANY great games, but only about 1 out of 50 had the real touch! Seiklus for example, is one out of few that actually have the "touch". I can't say wether my game is gonna need it or not since it's far from completed… But I'm trying VERY hard! If you're reading this, there's no need to comment… But I'll be happy if you'll say something :) So that I know I'm still not sitting in the shadow, waiting for the moment that the sun will rise above my head, and reveal my location so to say… Yeah, I don't sound like any ordinary dude who's 15 years old… But that's just the way I am.


Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to blogging. Grammar is your friend. As are it's sex-slaves, sentences and paragraphs.

FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

@ghg: It's a blog not an English essay!

Anyway nice of you to emerge from the shadows and come to 64digits. Oh and if you like 64digits then join this site (On the 24th december) Yeh i'm really desperate for members XD

And a note to the other members: Please, please don't start all that traditional crap you usually confuse new members with ;)

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 2 months ago

Firefly, shut the hell up and stop advertising.

Welcome to 64Digits, your name is also David, so you are automaticly awesome.

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Wow! That was fast! I once had a blog somewhere (Sorry, but… I can't remember where) and it could take days just to get ONE comment :P Anyway… I'll check out your site, FireflyX. But I can't promise you that I'm going to join your site.

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Ok, I just visited and… Erh… I thought you had some sort of event on the 24th, but that your sites release date. So how am I supposed to join? :P Please get it up and run before yo advertise about it. Then you might avoid having your comments marked as spam ;)

WaleedAmer 17 years, 2 months ago

Sounds nice. >_>

I really want to know more. It's fine if that's all you can offer, though. :P

Good luck at 64Digits!

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Hmm… How come Cly5m is nowhere to be found on this great page? I'm just wondering… He must be stuck on the GMG or something.

FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

heh don't feel obliged to join my site i just seen an oppertunity to advertise but you are right i should release it first :p

Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to blogging. Grammar is your friend. As are it's sex-slaves, sentences and paragraphs.

Name the grammatical error in that sentence and you get a cookie!

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Name the grammatical error in that sentence and you get a cookie!
Well… Don't you type it "sex slaves" rather than "sex-slaves"? (I feel kinda dumb… This is like shooting in the fog)