My first blog, but NOT my first project!

Posted by hte_david on Dec. 9, 2007, 3:27 p.m.

Hey, it's me… Well, actually.. Nobody knows who "me" actually is, since I havent been anywhere else. I have been hiding in the shadows for 3 looong years for some weird reason :P So I decided to make this project. It's not just ANY project! It's getting freaking scary! Just the soundtrack by dreamSTATE made my brother "Shit in his pants" so to say. I can't show you any screenshots yet, since the project still is bits and peices put together in a map named "The Big Project" for some odd reason. Actually, all I can say now, is that the title is: From Behind the Clouds. And it's NOT just a quick "discount game" if you prefer to call it that. Not that I'm actually saying that your game is bad… No… More like: I've seen MANY great games, but only about 1 out of 50 had the real touch! Seiklus for example, is one out of few that actually have the "touch". I can't say wether my game is gonna need it or not since it's far from completed… But I'm trying VERY hard! If you're reading this, there's no need to comment… But I'll be happy if you'll say something :) So that I know I'm still not sitting in the shadow, waiting for the moment that the sun will rise above my head, and reveal my location so to say… Yeah, I don't sound like any ordinary dude who's 15 years old… But that's just the way I am.


FireflyX 17 years, 2 months ago

Name the grammatical error in that sentence and you get a cookie!
It should be: its' sex-slaves

Mush 17 years, 2 months ago

As are it's sex-slaves, sentences and paragraphs.

should be: As are sex slaves, sentences, and paragraphs.

(removed "it's" and added a comma after "sentences")

Mush 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh wow, I completely misread the original sentece, although my version still makes sense. =P

Arcalyth 17 years, 2 months ago

You guys are idiots.

"As are its sex-slaves [or sex slaves would work too], sentences and paragraphs."

No apostrophe on "its" because "it's" means "it is" and "its" means possession

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Riiight :P Guys, I don't want my first blog on this site to become a discussion about how to type a sentence… So why don't we stop now, and say everybody's happy with the current result, and wont come up with weird versions to annoy the HECK outta me (Oh… To say that is like throwing a grenade into the fire).

sk8m8trix 17 years, 2 months ago

Welcome to blogging. Grammar is your friend. As are it's sex-slaves, sentences and paragraphs.
Could also be rewritten as:

Welcome to blogging. Grammar is your friend and so are it's sex-slaves: sentences and paragraphs.

Because its inferring that sentences and paragraphs are sex slaves.

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Oh god… And so it starts… *_*

sk8m8trix 17 years, 2 months ago

Don't worry. By the time this is over you will be literate, and hopefully off the site.

LoserHands 17 years, 2 months ago

Firefly, did you reset the members? Or are the members from before still there?

hte_david 17 years, 2 months ago

Firefly, did you reset the members? Or are the members from before still there?
Perhaps you should PM him that question… The change that he will check by here 3 times in one day ain't too big… On the other hand, this amount of comments on one day is rather unusual. :P And even on a "first blog" blog…