Sing For Absolution!! I will be singing!

Posted by jimbob on March 12, 2007, 12:16 p.m.

That is the most awesome song ever!! No prizes for guessing which band I am referencing here, perhaps a little praise for liking one of the best bands EVER!!

Anyway, I am halfway to getting pushable blocks working in the Tomb Raider-ey game, and the player can stand on them!! A landmark in my game developing history. Well not really, but this is the first time it's sort of worked. There are still flaws, such as the player going through the block if it gets stuck, but that's easily fixable, except where the block gets stuck going up a SLOPE!! Gargh. I'll just need to fix the movement of the block.

I found this weird glitch, though, where the block floated around when you pressed the left/right keys, and if the player gets on it they can float around too, only if the player gets wedged between the block and the wall the block turns into a PLAYER!! so then I had two players moving around. I fixed that though.

The game I am also doing is similar to this, and the engine has the same sort of… roots, as the Tomb Raider-ey game stemmed from the development of Codegame.

Anyway, my main aims are to:

not only make a half-decent looking and playing game but…

optimise control for laptop users!;

make control easy, not a chore.

I will relish the day I finally release one of my, er, games to 64digits!! And I will make sure it is good.


The fruits of my labour.

I have managed to make pushable blocks like this so far…

player can land on blocks (without falling through!!);

blocks can be pushed left and right;

blocks stop at block_solid_obj , ocjects which make blocks solid when they collide;

blocks have gravity;


HERE'S THE BIG ONE (for me anyway)…


woo hoo!! Yeah awesome.

Some people don't need this but the environments in the game I want to create are not all square, they will be very unstable and varied in the y-axis, so I needed to do this!! WOO HOO!


FireflyX 17 years, 11 months ago

hooray for muse!!

Game sounds good so far especially the pushable blocks you can stand on. Keep working on it

Castypher 17 years, 11 months ago

Keep working on it. Sounds fun.

jimbob 17 years, 11 months ago

Yeah I love Muse, now here's your praise Firefly:

yeah you rock because you relaise how awesome Muse are, YEAH!

I'm going to start brainstorming ideas for level design soon, so I can make the stuff I will need before I start making the levels.

eagly 17 years, 11 months ago

Muse are the best band ever, imho, but that is not their best song, imho.


How long have you been a Muse fan?

ludamad 17 years, 11 months ago

Pfft, muse.

jimbob 17 years, 11 months ago

not long, I only discovered they existed like a couple of years ago!! That might be because I didn't get into music until I was like 11 years old though. But I am an avid fan - have you ever seen their only performance on Live and Kicking, that old kid's programme? I watched it on youtube and it's so funny!

Sing for Absolution isn't Muse's best live song, but I like it on the album.

marbs 17 years, 11 months ago

That might be because I didn't get into music until I was like 11 years old though
I didn't get into music until I was 15…

I blame it on my lack of anything that could play music. No mp3 player, no walkman, and only a rubbishy PC (well, it was good back then…).

jimbob 17 years, 11 months ago

but now when I listen to records from the 1990's I recognize loads of the tracks, namely loads of Radiohead songs. My parents were into Radiohead, and I am too!! yer, but Muse still ROCK, no comparasins from any fanboys okay?!

melee-master 17 years, 11 months ago

Yay for mainstream music.