[JSG] Ditto.

Posted by jsorgeagames on June 2, 2007, 7:33 p.m.

Ditto. If you're really stupid, you won't know that I'm talking about my previous blog. If you're really, really, stupid, you won't know that I am trying to be patient. The only other people I've heard of who have the FM problem are Nighthawk17 and pedro_dh. I'm glad I can still upload anything else.

Bug with GM7:

I got a bug saying that it didn't know what my variable "select" was in the draw event, and I had "select=false" in the create event. Interesting.


s 17 years, 8 months ago

Why is one stupid for not caring about your random blogs about FTPs and why are you posting this?

jsorgeagames 17 years, 7 months ago

GET OFF MY BLOG AND STOP POSTING RUDE COMMENTS! *Cries hysterically* Really, Serprex, if you have anything to say that's not rude, please say it.