[JSG] Google

Posted by jsorgeagames on June 21, 2007, 7:36 a.m.

Whenever you are trying to find hard-to-find game resources, Google is not the answer. I need a house tileset and a road tileset, but I can't find any. Is there a site that has a ton of tilesets?

Also, Google thinks that when I type in tileset, I mean Mah Jong tilesets, which are actual puzzle game tiles. Tiles, as in, 3d blocks and such.

Right now, I have fixed GameCraft by making a whole new interface and starting the project from scratch. The things I have are:

> Load Tile (GIF or bmp)

> Create Tile

> Delete Tile

> New Project

> Save Project

> Load Project

> Depth Up, Down, Reset

> Scale Up, Down, Reset

> Y Scale Up, Down, Reset

> X Scale Up, Down, Reset

> Alpha Up, Down, Reset

> Rotation Up, Down, Reset

> Menu from Tile when clicked

> Move

> Select

> Deselect

> Delete

Also, I uploaded GC to the queue. Does anyone know how to delete things in the queue or edit their descriptions? I said to not use the load button, because it can't find the sprites, but I fixed it: You just have to have the sprites in the folder or desktop where the saved project is.

EDIT: Oh, great. The load thing in GC doesn't work again, it needs to know which sprite goes to which object when loading.


LunchTime 17 years, 8 months ago

Maybe you could be original and make your own?

stampede 17 years, 8 months ago

You need to know HOW to search Google.

Short I say.

jsorgeagames 17 years, 8 months ago

I will make my own.