Another Project...

Posted by jsorgeagames on Sept. 5, 2007, 6:35 a.m.


Now, I'm making Metroid Prime: Metracore. It's basically the first 3d game I've ever made.

> One Level (Metallicon)

> Doors

> Locked Doors

> Scannable Keypads (that open doors)

> X-ray / Night vision

> Fog (So you can't see twenty feet)


> Menu

> Cool Artifact menu

> Animated title

<IMG SRC="" WIDTH="600" HEIGHT="500" BORDER="0" ALT="Eclipse Gaming">


I've gotten farther in Halo Apocalypse, but I'm still not releasing it yet. I added color-changable armor, and fixed a lot of bugs with the guns.


I just added a login example to the queue. It's in 7th place. It has a lot of different functions, like avatars, but it's extremely small in file size and only uses a .txt file to find if you are a user on the computer. I'm going to add forums or something like that to it when I have the chance, and I'm going to try and make it so that you can login on a different computer.


.: Light :.

To the tune of Cut by Plumb

The light is dying,

the world's turnin' gray.

The ain't nothing out

there to make my day.

Visions of demons

haunt my dark eyes.

Darkness is creeping

and I can't fly.

I'm bound to earth,

without my wings

And I can't even live

without those things.

But there are angels

to take me away.

They'll take me out,

so I won't have to stay.

EDIT: Now, the name's been changed, mainly because I want this game to have the same characters as Metroid Prime 1-3, but an alternate story.

The Metracore is supposed to be the powerful space ark that holds immense power, enough to destroy an entire planet. But almost of the cores inside it have been corrupted, sending them into the far reaches of space. Only one core remains inside the Metracore, and it holds the extremely powerful Metrabeast. The Metracore siphons the Metrabeast's power. Now Samus has to find the cores to restore the Metracore, before the Metrabeast breaks free of its prison.


Firebird 17 years, 5 months ago


Firebird 17 years, 5 months ago

Also, best tag ever.

jsorgeagames 17 years, 5 months ago

I didn't use IM quotes…

eagly 17 years, 5 months ago

such as IM quotes.
This includes images and only one topic of conversation. You may be over the "300 character limit", but you wrote one full sentence, a list of features and an image. That doesn't really make for original content. Add in a couple more topics of conversation and I'll untag it for you. ;]

DesertFox 17 years, 5 months ago

Awww… Come on eagly, you are too nice - make him do more, like find the blue key, collect 50 orbs, and rescue the princess (who is in another castle)!


Actually, perfect handling! *wipes tear* you make me so proud!

eagly 17 years, 5 months ago

Aww, you're making me blush. :P

s 17 years, 5 months ago

Blend modes…a feature?Come on,just going draw_set_blend_mode(bm_add)isn't anything to brag about(Oh,sorry for forgetting draw_set_blend_mode(bm_normal)at the end)

Anyways,at least you showed a pic of this possibly nice game.Though why are you calling it 4?

jsorgeagames 17 years, 5 months ago

Name = changed