Inventory Example

Posted by jsorgeagames on Oct. 5, 2007, 3:02 p.m.

[Inventory Example]

I just made an inventory example for any shooting type of game. It's easily adaptable to another type. The example includes:

v 2 pre-made items with sprites

> .22 Beretta (20 ammo)

> .19-02 Uzi (100 ammo)

v 5 scripts

> inventory_add(): Adds any item to the inventory

> inventory_del(): Deletes the selected item

> inventory_del_ext(): Deletes all of the current item

> inventory icon(): Sets the icon for an item

> inventory_ammo(): Sets the ammo for an item

And some other stuff. It's really cool. It is called [JSG] Inventory Engine in the Examples section. Just so you don't search it and end up with a really old version.

[SSB Engine]

I'm adding items right now, I've got a pill that doesn't do anything and a beam sword. The problem is, when I attack with the beam sword while running, it does the animation, then I drop the item. For no reason.

It's weird. I release the source code soon so someone can maybe help me fix it. And nothing else.


My crappy internet connection is screwed up almost all the times I try to go online. Okay, so I restart the computer. It doesn't work. I disable one of our devices, doesn't work. I disable the other instead, and guess what happens.

You were right, it doesn't work.

Finally, by restarting the computer again, I got it to work. No idea why.


jsorgeagames 17 years, 4 months ago

It's called [JSG] Inventory Engine in the Examples section.