Halo Suit

Posted by jsorgeagames on Oct. 15, 2007, 6:27 p.m.

[ Halo Suit ]

Yes. I'm going as Master Chief for Halloween. I'll post pics soon, but this is what I want it to look like:

<IMG SRC="http://mjolnirarmor.com/halo-gallery/adam/chief-dog%20walking2.jpg" WIDTH="400" HEIGHT="500" BORDER="0" ALT="Adam Grumbo's Halo Suit">

This suit was made by Adam Grumbo of Mjolnir Armor. He used a couple different suits, including the BlueRealm helmet, and other things.

Mine, most of it will be old sports armor stuff. I'm going to spray paint it. The body and other parts unique to Halo will be made using Pepakura, a program that takes 3d models and converts them to printable patterns to make the actual model.

I've got the whole Mark V .3ds files, all separated. The only thing I probably won't make is the helmet, my own 3d model is less complicated then the real 3d model, and it has many more mesh surfaces. Hmmmm…

I'll post pics soon. And if you think I'm one of those n00bs who will say, "My costume is great! I used a milk jug for the helmet and foil for the armor!", I'm not. I may be new to making complex costumes, but art is my best subject.

I can't start on it right now, but it gives me more time for ideas!

Why I didn't just buy a regular costume:

They don't sell them at any store, mainly because they don't exist.

Why I didn't buy a custom one:

If the helmet is $12,715, it's just not worth it. I'm not that obsessed.

[ Eclipse Forum ]

I've had this for a long time but I haven't posted the link. I just got a free domain name. Here's the web address: www.eclipseforum.co.nr

[ RPG Example ]

Going along quite nicely. Its web page is <A HREF="http://64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=view_game&id=4260">here</A>.

[ Photo Pro ]

I scrapped this a couple months ago, it is an image editing program. I am currently adding an actual image editor in it. The reason I scrapped it was because of an image selecting tool I had that wasn't working correctly.

[ Mark V .3ds models ]

All of the parts of Master Chief, along with the full body model:

<A HREF="http://64digits.com/users/jsorgeagames/mark53ds_sept10.zip

">Download (.zip)</A>


bendodge 17 years, 4 months ago

At my house we don't give candy to big kids without costumes. (Unless they were born with a wacky good one, so you might get candy after all.)

Rob 17 years, 4 months ago

This is who I am going as:

jsorgeagames 17 years, 4 months ago

Dude, how are you going to fit into that?

Castypher 17 years, 4 months ago

@George: I get candy when I buy it…

PY 17 years, 4 months ago

I am going as myself.

I will dress up in the greatest costume ever, than not go out because people will laugh at me… *whimper*