[JSG] Yeah.

Posted by jsorgeagames on Nov. 24, 2007, 4:55 p.m.

[ Name Change ]

I might change my name to Rid3r. I might not. I already have an avatar (because I registered at another site), so…

<IMG SRC="http://64digits.com/users/jsorgeagames/Rid3r.PNG" WIDTH="64" HEIGHT="64" BORDER="0" ALT="Avatar">

Yes, it's basically the custom one I have now.

[ Site ]

I made a website with BraveHost. www.eclipsegamingstudios.bravehost.com

I'm going to play around with logging in stuff.

[ Armor ]

I am re-making my Halo Armor (because lacrosse pads and hockey shin guards aren't enough). I am making it out of Pepakura. I will resin and maybe fiberglass it. I am done with the right boot, and am working on the Assault Rifle and right calf.

All of the armor pieces are from Halo 3, except for maybe the hand armor.

[ GM ]

I am submitting an example soon that I thought up in the car on the way to pick up our Christmas tree. It is an extremely simple way to make the player rotate correctly on a slope.

It has fake gravity and jumping just for functionality, you could easily change them.

[ And ]

I spilled grape soda on my keyboard, so I'll have to take it apart and clean it again, darn!


firestormx 12 years, 10 months ago

Why was this guy, and Balding Chimp, banned?

Castypher 12 years, 10 months ago

Yeah, I liked Balding Chimp.

JuurianChi 12 years, 10 months ago


I didn't know this guy was banned.