More Kafeism

Posted by kafeithekeaton on Dec. 16, 2006, 1 a.m.

Hello, it's Kafei who has come once again to rain on your parades.

Anywho, onto the story you don't care about. This week Serr MSNed me about becoming an Officialist at GMClans. For those of you that don't know, and Officialist is an admin mod. It's above a judge but below a total all out admin. I can still do 90% of the administration can, though, which is good. So, naturally, I took the job and using my newfound powers, locked many topics, implemented over 140 filters on GMClans, gave Duckman35 a 60% warn, removed a 60% warn from Duckman35, and officialized a clan.

So yeah, it's been a decent week online wise for the Kafei. Notice how I said online-wise. Although, it has been a modest week life-wise, but, one of my friends is depressed and I hate to see my friends depressed. Over what, I won't tell you because you don't care and it's none of your business. Also, I got my foot ran over. That didn't hurt though and I suffered little pain and still have full use of both my legs. Kafei: 1, Cars: 0.

Also, new game:

I spent over two hours making it, too!


Jabberwock 18 years, 2 months ago

Hi. I prefer dry parades.

Visor 18 years, 1 month ago

"I spent over two hours making it, too!"

I usually spend about two months making a game I could complete in half a week and then delete the game.