My Opposition Is Retarded.

Posted by kafeithekeaton on July 22, 2006, 1:16 a.m.

Yeah. As some of you know, I run a forum called <a href = "">Lloyd Owns fayt</a> which is the second biggest "Tales of…" fan forum. Now, there we make fun of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time for fun. Some people, though, don't like that and try every trick in the book to tick me off or take down our arguements which just makes me laugh. It's fun really.

Recently though, someone created a "fayt Owns Lloyd" forum(I'm surprised no one created one earlier. Many said something about it) which one of my members found eleven hours after it was created, somehow. Now, I take a look at the forum and it's just a blatant attempt to copy my forum and take our jokes. I got sorta ticked at them for copying my style, but I brushed it off. Anywho, when I posted the url on my forum, my members went mad with it and spammed it up under no command of my own(It was that winking smiley I used while posting it… it was that winking smiley…). I had to tell them to stop it with a long elaborate post on the guy's forum. After I made that post, the admin turns the forum offline because of the spam or something. Whatever the case, it was funny what they did, wrong, but funny.

Anywho, today I log on my forums and what do you know? The admin, after announcing the forum would never come back, opened the site up again. Great. I'm happy for the guy because my members didn't kill off his idea(read:my idea with a new face). So I logged on his forum, take a peek around, and I'm getting angry.

For, you see, I had chastised my members on the forum, told them to call it off, and all that good stuff, and now, this retarded admin puts on filters that edit words like "so", "be", and "that" to pictures of a chick's butt in a thong. You know; you would think that this guy is doing that just to tick me off, but you know what? The guy's retarded and doesn't know my hatred of idiocy. How the heck does the guy expect to get anywhere when you can't hold a basic conversation on the forum?

Whatever. I would link to the forum, but, one of my members decided to post nudie pictures of chicks… yeah. We got onto her about doing that.


melee-master 18 years, 7 months ago

Damn, that sucks.

V 18 years, 7 months ago

lol. well, that sort of thing happened to a friend once. we just completly forgot about the forum cuz of it.

Juju 18 years, 7 months ago

That's stupid. Assholes like that need to be shot.

Hootiehoo 18 years, 7 months ago


Acid 18 years, 7 months ago


rockyran 18 years, 7 months ago

^^^ Agreed

firestormx 18 years, 6 months ago

Am I the only one who noticed the he said a SHE posted porn on that opposing forum?

Amarin 18 years, 6 months ago

Lol. Tales owns Star Ocean!

kafeithekeaton 18 years, 6 months ago

Am I the only one who noticed the he said a SHE posted porn on that opposing forum?
XD Nice eye.