Yes. LOLcode. Believe it or not, there is an actual scripting language called LOL. Completely based off of HAI and KTHXBYE, LOLcode is for the purely bored. My proof, Any questions? KTHX.
It's very simple to use, and its syntax is much like BASIC. You start with HAI and end with KTHXBYE. A simple "Hello world!" application can be done like this:BTW Hello World in LOLCODEHAICAN HAS STDIO?VISIBLE "HAI WORLD!"KTHXBYEHere is the compiler available from Google: The only problem I've had with the compiler is having it find the STDIO library. It's not included.Running example of LOLcode on the Motron server: The source can be shown by changing "php" to "lol".
It's not for the bored. It's for the lulz.
I used LOLCODE against Steven once. Yeah, that was fun.
yes, I've seen it so many times before.
Good job, you found Category: Esoteric Programming Languages
Makes me recall another code type that was based on color indexes, but I forgot what it was called. Essentialy you can make a picture that runs as a program.
Thats funny, lol….