Not fronted.
Okay, I want a name and a reason.Who do you think would make a good mod on 64Digits?You can backup other people's votes, only one nomination and one comment on this blog. If you have something to say to me, PM me. All irrelevant comments will be deleted.
Name and REASON, comments cleared.
Marbs -> He's able to do some php stuff, He's kind, and active. Also, he's not power hungry =)
Marbs because he's British (is on at interesting times of the time) and he's level headed.
Marbs -> He's able to do some php stuff, He's kind, and active. Also, he's not power hungry =)
Marbs' 'cause he's:
-Kind-Active-"not Power Hungry"-Codes alot (lol'd)I fifth marbs. He's been around for a long time, understands the site, and like Bryan said, is not a power-hungry fool.
Marbs, because he's just awesome all round.
Or me :D, although I have no good reason for that.I 6th marbs, for all above reasons.
Nomination: Marbs.
Reason: He's excellent with GM, he's got some PHP experience, he's calm, collected and level headed, he's kind but knows when people cross a line and he's British so can moderate the site at times the Canadian/American staff can't.Marbs.
REASON: Because marbs is sensible, cool and has good experience with the site.