Game Competition Results (long version)

Posted by ludamad on Feb. 7, 2008, 4:06 p.m.

3Min War

by Nobody

Starting up the game, I quickly realize it wont be intuitive so I search for an attached readme, and there it is. It seems interesting enough, place 10 silos in a war-type game. I seem to only be able to place things in the Americas. Starting to play, I can't figure out for the life of me how to attack, meanwhile I'm being bombarded by missles. The use of the lines is very random, they pop up when something explodes at even chances. Well marbs claims to be able to beat this game, so I wont write it off as unplayable.

Use of lines: 4/10

Gameplay: ?/10

Graphics and sound: 7/10 (Sufficient)

Final thoughts: The use of the lines is much too random, and the gameplay is very badly explained.


by Phazon Yoshi

Okay, so apparently this game has… ninjas. Hmm nice title screen. *clicks button* Ahh love this. Graphical instructions, and a nice title. The sound and music is kinda bad, but thats to be expected from short games like this. The graphics are completely minimalistic, starting the game now. Ah the ropes are quite cool, although you really fly up automagically once you are attached to a rope, much too fast. Okay on the third level now after much experimental swinging. The game plays nicer than I first imagined… is it just me or does the main character have a rather large erection? That's certainly what it seems like looking at the start of level 3. Well I assume I can't hit the buns, for they are overcooked. I'll give this level a shot. Third level was really easy, ah that's a god awful message box. Woo, fourth level was fun. Lines are being used quite well. Fifth level was easy. More instructions, yay pictures. Hm… 6th have guys walking… on air. I just zipped past that level I didn't even realize what was going on. 7th level now. Some glitchy behaviour with the ropes here. Beat it pretty easily. Level 8 now. OMG BLASPHEMY! Pressing F1 brings a help file full of non-line text. That's really bad, as that help file is part of the game. Anyway, level 9. I assume that was all. Level 9 was a timed explosion level apparently. So I'mma quit because I see a creepy smiley face where there use to be a game. Oh merbs just told me of a glitch where you can make infinite ropes, by changing the screen focus, baad.

Use of lines: 8-1/10 (7/10 for leaving in the help file)

Gameplay: 9-1/10 (8/10 for glitches)

Graphics and sound: 4/10 (Not a huge category)

Final thoughts: A very fun game lacking polish. The graphics and sound work, and despite the low score don't affect gameplay (the low score is to leave the higher scores free for graphically spectacular games).

Bakery Bastards

by Cesque

Cesque uses unregistered? Strange. The cutscene is cute, and the lines are used nicely and quickly. But oh my the gameplay is atrocious. You heal slowly, but die quickly. If you happen to be trapped in a chef your health goes down with no cool-down time in-between. A flashing period where you cant take damage would have been much appreciated. The graphics are stylish, and the oven funny. Merbs said he wasn't able to beat this game, so I guess one of us has to. Hmm odd, this time around there are buns that when hit kill all enemies, I didn't see those the first two run throughs. The buns slingers do little to no damage compared to what happens if you are caught on the ground for a second. I still can't discern if those falling metal things are powerups or anvils. Ugh died for the 4th time now. 5th. Ugh, you die in a second if you're on the floor. 6th btw. 7th… found out you can heal if you hide in the hole and wait for a bun, tried that one time and a bun never came, so I tried to get out and died. 8th try….9th. Died. 10th try. 11th. Scratch, my bun slinger comment, they are very annoying. 12th, died in about a second this time. 13th, died to a bun. Got to the boss… and died. Okay, I'm afraid I have to leave this game incomplete for my own sanity's sake.

Use of lines: 9/10 (Used in a variety of manners very nicely)

Gameplay: 6/10 (Slightly fun, but unpolished and immensely frustrating)

Graphics and sound: 8/10 (Stylish and nice, overall good work, though lacking in the sound department a bit)

Final thoughts: Simplistic gameplay lacking creativity, the game is a bit fun but quickly turns to painful after the 10th loss.


by Timoi

Boring game that ignored the rules about having letters by themselves. Automatically cut, no need for explanation here.


by Nighthawk17

Cutscene! I love it, so logical and fully drawn. Ah he's on speed, runs way too fast. The whole game runs too fast. If the background was moving it'd have a nice feel of speed all around. Got past area 1. More pretty cutscenes, loving them. Seems he crammed a lot of gameplay features into a tiny area, its a shame you can't experience them all. The health pickups are really well placed too. Area 3 now, ah I can really tell this game was worked on. The concept is amazing. The level design is very rich in variety, seemingly you have a different weapon everytime you press A. Ahh, the boss was too easy. Way way too easy. And there was no animation to hint that you were damaging him. Nonetheless, a solid and amazing game, I'd love to see work in a similar vein from nighthawk. It is of note that he only used the first 2 days of the competition to make this game.

Use of lines: 10/10 (Can't imagine a better use of them. Fully followed the rules.)

Gameplay: 10/10 (Very fun, minor problems can't touch this 10/10)

Graphics and sound: 9/10 (Game could have used some more animation clues, but it had decent music, sounds, and great style)

Final thoughts: A game that is polished and yet isn't, but overall gives a polished experience. Some areas of the game could be developed more, a parallex background would have added much more, but overall I couldn't ask for more in a 2 day game.

Jet Fight

by Abacus

A 3D game that begs the question… WTF? You can go through the ground, the lines are used in a very forced and out of context manner. The lines are also in infinite loop, the game doesn't seem done. Still have yet to find gameplay here despite being able to shoot. Okay, I'll take marbs word for it yet again that there is a game here "merbs says: You attempt to shoot the planes but realise it's too hard and give up". I'll go straight to the final thoughts.

Final thoughts: A game that seems very unfinished, uses the lines randomly with no context. The game is cut without further consideration.

Operation Cancelled

by Theodore III

ANOTHER GAME called operation cancelled everyone retreat? Sheesh. Anyway, starting up and finding out how to shoot, the game immediately turns to annoying. Enemies dont seem to die, and everything seems to kill you, the limited visibility is nothing other than annoying. The zombies are worse than annoying. Enemies take way too much time to die. I have no will to complete this, even though marbs did.

Use of lines: 8/10 (Adequate)

Gameplay: 4/10 (Very annoying, lacking fun)

Graphics and sound: 5/10 (Though in full colour, the darkness and the sloppiness bring down the score heavily)

Final thoughts: A game that seems thrown together, contrasting with Experimental's well thought out levels.


by Mesenberg

Starting up the game, it looks really simplistic. The lines are used right away without context given. The lines are used through out the games, some better than others. He breaks the rules once with an extended NOOOO, which is not allowed under free punctuation. If you die the whole game restarts. Which sucks. The gameplay so far has been neat puzzles, though very easy. OH the people run away as they saw operation cancelled, everyone retreat. I couldn't tell because I stayed down the first play through. Okay, I've seen all I had to. No animations and very little polish.

Use of lines: 6/10 (Lackluster, broke a rule)

Gameplay: 6/10 (Mediocore)

Graphics and sound: 5/10 (Lacking polish and animation, the music was alright)

Final thoughts: Though the puzzles were sort of fun, the fact that the game restarted completely stopped me from completing it.


by Purianite

Purianite sorta hyped this game for me. Sound quality is horrible with the speech. The gameplay is decent. I got stuck in a wall quickly. Marbs would probably have more to say about this game, as he completed it, but the collisions are really bad and the view can be blocked by one of the afro-cars (I thought they had afros at first).

Use of lines: 5/10 (I couldn't understand the context, sound quality was bad)

Gameplay: 6/10 (I found the game near unplayable)

Graphics and sound: 10/10 (Best category, great music, suffers from bad recordings though. Nice graphics)

Final thoughts: Impressive in its graphics, it however. lacks any sense of physics and reminds me of the game Big Rigs. Purianite shouldn't have tried to record the lines.


What you've been waiting for, the 5 games that will be in the poll, decided by me and marbs.

1. Operation Cancelled: Everyone Retreat

2. …Operation Cancelled … Everyone Retreat…

3. Bakery Bastards

4. Experimental

5. Poesworld

But remember, we are all losers in some way.


ludamad 17 years ago

Phazon: What Nighthawk said.

Nighthawk: But I would.

PY 17 years ago

Oh, I see what you mean.

Funny it only seems to happen on one rope…

Won't be hard to fix, though.

Trogdor 17 years ago
abacus 17 years ago

Woo i suck!