Cirimas Puzzle!

Posted by ludamad on Dec. 26, 2008, 5:55 p.m.

Well, close enough to Cirimas anyway.

I bring the clue! It's in image form:

Note: It's a link to another puzzle, etc.

For the last one: I realized I was being a bit sadistic not giving a clue or anything. Here's your clue: Only worry about the first letter of every word.


ludamad 16 years ago

If anyone actually decoded that message in its entirety for that one puzzle, I'd love it if you PM'd me it :P

And Juju, if you're on the last puzzle I'm impressed. The last puzzle is easy if you had a clue about what you're supposed to do with that sentence. But you're not given one = )

ludamad 16 years ago

I think I screwed up on the text you must crypt-analyze. 'E' and 'C' have the same symbol. It doesn't affect the important area, but it's good to know.

Also, I like prime numbers.

JoshDreamland 16 years ago

Alright, that last one was just me being funny. Time for a serious one, the last puzzle:

Juju 16 years ago

Yeah, that E/C thing tripped me up for a bit… I got egypt analysis the first time round xD

ludamad 16 years ago

Rofl, well I'm impressed by anyone that actually solved that (quite a few more than I expected)… especially considering the E/C confusion and all

Juju 16 years ago

Oh it's not that hard, just gotta use standard Caesarian cypher analysis.

Cesar 16 years ago

The answer to all the puzzles

is duck.

I win

ludamad 16 years ago

It's not exactly a Caesar cipher - though a lot of it is. So doing Caesar analysis on it would probably give you enough to work with.

Juju 16 years ago

Looking for spaces, Es and double letters still applies ;)