Well, I was having fun with how ugly GML can be if you so choose, and I decided 'why not have an ugly code contest?'
Here's an example of actual legal GML:
switch 0begin case 0:x=0break} if a=0then begin b=1}else if a==0{b:=1end
"why not have an ugly code contest?"
There are many answers to this.and not one appeals to me
Disregard PY, he sucks cocks.
<digit><statement> = ugly
inconsistency = uglyusing begin and end combined with { } = uglyusing unnecessary symbols = uglyREADY, SET? GO!Simply gives you a yes or no answer at random.
heres a link to a brilliant C obfuscated program: http://www0.us.ioccc.org/2004/arachnid.c
NightHawk, your script is easily understandable :P
I was gonna make something but I got bored, heres what I got (it does nothing yet)
Cyrus: ? The art of writing obfuscated code, and obfuscating utilities are different domains.