Obfuscated GML contest!

Posted by ludamad on May 3, 2009, 5:15 p.m.

Well, I was having fun with how ugly GML can be if you so choose, and I decided 'why not have an ugly code contest?'

Here's an example of actual legal GML:


switch 0begin case 0:x=0break}

if a=0then begin b=1}else if a==0{b:=1end

The rules:

-The most interesting yet least understandable script wins

-The whole thing has to be one script, of any name.

-The script cannot be more than 5000 characters

-The script can do any small task involving pop up windows, and possibly user input


PY 15 years, 9 months ago

"why not have an ugly code contest?"

There are many answers to this.

ludamad 15 years, 9 months ago

and not one appeals to me

Grand-High Gamer 15 years, 9 months ago

Disregard PY, he sucks cocks.

sirxemic 15 years, 9 months ago

<digit><statement> = ugly

inconsistency = ugly

using begin and end combined with { } = ugly

using unnecessary symbols = ugly


Nighthawk 15 years, 9 months ago

Simply gives you a yes or no answer at random.

roD23c3 ="sho";;; randomize();;;


f9j3="w_mes" ;ur0 = "sage( "; ;;



d96k = "string(string_letters(kf349)))" ;


execute_string(((((roD23c3 + f9j3



ludamad 15 years, 9 months ago

heres a link to a brilliant C obfuscated program: http://www0.us.ioccc.org/2004/arachnid.c

ludamad 15 years, 9 months ago

NightHawk, your script is easily understandable :P

KaBob799 15 years, 9 months ago

I was gonna make something but I got bored, heres what I got (it does nothing yet)

honeybuns="I don't think you can easily understand this code, it has too much cheese in it";cheese=0;while(cheese<=124/sqrt(1)){l[cheese]=chr(cheese);cheese+=1;}cheese=0;

while(cheese<((16*32+(8*4))/17) or honeybuns=="poison"){cheese=1;s=",";

honeybuns=string_replace(honeybuns," ",l[61]);








it was gonna transform honeybuns into the code to create an object and add events to make it self duplicate and move around

ludamad 15 years, 9 months ago

Cyrus: ? The art of writing obfuscated code, and obfuscating utilities are different domains.

Juju 15 years, 9 months ago

str=argument[$000000]+chr(sqr(2)*sqr(2)*2);i=c_black;while(round(pi-2)){i-=sqrt(sqr(9)+sqr(12))-sqr(sqr(2));str = chr(power(2,5));pos = string_pos(chr(true<<5),str);for(ii=0^1;ii<pos;ii+=!0) str = string_insert(string_copy(str,pos-ii,1),str,ii);str = string_delete(str,6562 mod sqr(sqr(sqr(3))),pos);if !(string_length(str)) break;end;for(ii=4+~sqrt(4);ii<=i;ii+=sqr(sin(ii))+sqr(cos(ii))) str += str[ii];return str
Something I whipped up in 10 minutes at 3am. Uses those obscure operators in GM - this is the first time I've used many of them.