SEE THE FULL BLOG changes: - There is now an overworld with multiple dungeons! - As a result, almost all the areas in the game have been majorly revamped. The red dragon is now on the overworld, a different boss resides in the first dungeon. - There is now a new logo, courtesy of Kevin Siapno. - Two new spells - Minor Missile, a mana-conserving Mage spell, and Expedite, an archer spell that causes them to move much faster for a short time. - Poison Cloud has been moved from the Mage to the Archer. - Magic Blast is now a 3rd-level Mage spell. - Minimap is much more visible. You can click to adjust zoom level, right click to look around. - [Code-only] The Lua code has been refactored to be much more modular, and has grown significantly. The area generation code has been rewritten (and improved, in the process) in Lua.Download: blog for more details!Happy hacking,-ludamad