Must I?

Posted by madguyy on July 23, 2006, 8:49 p.m.

I must. For those who would care to examine a new user's blog page. They just HAVE to find somethin' there, you know? Wouldn't wanna let them down.

Right-o. Well, nothin' much has happened today. But that's a lie. I started workin' on a 2D, crappy, and maybe okay game. It's your typical starship fighter kinda game. Except this one moves sideways 'cause (I said so) that's the way I made the sprites. The ship designs are alright. Room for improvement, but I'm not going to. XP I've gotta figure out how to get things workin' for Game Maker.

Yes, I am using it. I state this just in case that last message didn't register. I use it due to lack of knowledge in the programming department. The thing's alright, but I have yet to learn about how all the stuff works. (Their "tutorials" don't really explain. Or maybe I wasn't looking at the right page. :P)

Well, that's……….. 'bout it. Tried to sprite somethin' else, but I just couldn't start workin' on it. Don't know why. Oh, well. *goes off to sleep*


Kenon 18 years, 3 months ago

Betcha no one knows how to do THIS!!!!!


ludamad 18 years, 3 months ago

Tobiric, hehehe