GM Magazine - Issue 4 - Out Now!

Posted by mattthew_h on July 5, 2008, 5:47 a.m.

The Unofficial Game Maker Magazine

Issue 04 - Out Now!

Yep! We’re here to bring you Issue 04 of the unofficial Game Maker Magazine! We have changed the layout again, and we feel that it looks much, much better. We have also tried our very best to improve the quality of content and writing again, and we think that it is rapidly getting much better. There are also plenty of new things in the magazine that no other Game Maker magazine has ever done before! So get ready to download the best ever issue of GMM! If you read the magazine, then we would highly appreciate it if you gave us some feedback; good or bad, it’s all worthwhile! This is what you can read after downloading our latest issue:


Interview With: TeeGee

Select an Anti-Decompiler

ANCIENT CIV COMP 1ST: Ancient Ants Adventure Review


News at GMM

GM News Flash!


Promoting Your Game


Why Go Pro?

A History of Game Maker


COMMUNITY OUTLOOK: Game Maker: Good and Bad


Good Platform Tilesets

Monthly Models

TUTORIAL: Colorizing The Screen

TUTORIAL: Simple Analogue Clock

SCRIPT: Windows XP Buttons


Karoshi 2.0

Game Maker Battle Arena

Cubic Conundrum




Meet The Team

Cheaters Heaven

Hot New GM Releases!

GM Top 10 Games Chart

Fun Zone

COMIC: A Moderator’s Life


Final Words…


To view the magazine, it is imperative that you have the latest PDF viewer installed. You can download Adobe Reader 8 for free here.


Currently available issues:

NEW ISSUE 04 - June 2008 – 3.3 MB – 39 PagesNEW

Download Mirrors:

Instant Arts

Will Host For Food

ISSUE 03 - April 2008 - 8.6 MB – 37 Pages

Download Mirrors:

Instant Arts


Will Host for Food

ISSUE 02 - March 2008 - 5.9 MB – 27 Pages

Download Mirrors:

Instant Arts


Will Host for Food

ISSUE 01 - February 2008 - 1.8 MB – 13 Pages

Download Mirrors:

Instant Arts


Will Host for Food


Watch out for Issue 05… arriving on your monitors in August 2008.

The GMM Team


Scott_AW 16 years, 5 months ago

Otherwise I liked most of the mag.

Kenon 16 years, 5 months ago

I only use GM7 because of Vista. I don't consider anything really different though.

F1ak3r 16 years, 5 months ago

The magazine looks okay, you guys are really becoming a formidable rival to GMTech and MarkUp.

Haven't read all of it yet, but you need to review more bad games. None of the games you reviewed got lower than 4/5.

I laughed at the comic, which is more than can be said for that unfunny garbage GMTech comes with.

Look for games here, most of your stuff seems to come from YoYo.

Scott_AW 16 years, 5 months ago

Bad games need love too?

mattthew_h 16 years, 5 months ago

Thanks for all the feedback guys, it is really appreciated.

We hope to have issue 5 out a little earlier than expected, as you might have noticed, this issue was about a month late, as there was so much work behind the scenes to be done.

And, thanks Flak3r, that is good to hear that Broxter did a good job of making the comic, although, he plans to make it look a bit better for issue 5 :D

Yes, I will try and review some, more, lower quality games next time and the reviews will be actually worth reading in my opinion, I have up'd the anti in my witting skills, so you can expect some more.

Also, A big thanks to Marbs! I didn't realize until a little while after I published this blog post that 64D did not in fact use BB code, but HTML.

I will try and remember that for next time :D .

And if there is any community opinions, I will try and find some more people for both sides, it is just that at the time, I really could not find anyone who still used GM6.1 or lower.

Does anyone have any suggestions for issue 5??

I am willing to hear anything, well…almost anything ;)

Thanks everyone,
