GM Magazine is now Hiring!

Posted by mattthew_h on July 26, 2008, 12:27 a.m.

Game Maker Magazine Is Hiring!

As Game Maker Magazine's bi-monthly issues grows, so does the content and quality of the magazine, and to help improve this, we are now looking for more staff to join the magazine.

We are looking for dedicated people.

For working with us, you may receive free adverting and sometimes even software!

NOTE: If you would like to take on any of these positions, then, please drop me a PM or post here and I will try and get back to you as soon as I can. PM-ing will get a much faster result.

The following job positions are available:

Writer - Your job as a writer for Game Maker Magazine, is to write articles for us, along with the other writers, you don't have to write an article every issue, but would be much appreciated.

You could write about what ever pleases you, or you could pick an article to write out of the staff page on the encrypted forum category.

Also, you should be able to use a lot of description and talk about a variety of things.

Reviewer - Your job as a reviewer for Game Maker Magazine would be to write informative reviews on games made with Game Maker.

You will also not be forced to write for 'every' issue of Game Maker magazine, but you will have to write at least some reviews.

You should also be able to write a lot of things about the game in some detail and be able to download games frequently and be willing to review a large variety of games.

Tutorial Writer - The tutorial writer will, write at least one tutorial for Game Maker, every month. But, you may pick what you write it about, or pick or get assigned out of the encrypted forum category.

You must know how to explain your tutorials in much detail and you must also have a very good knowledge of Game Maker.

(Position Closed)Issue Viewer - The issue viewer will read every article, every review and, practically everything, before the public gets to see it!

Your job is to read the entire issue, before anyone of the public does, meaning, you will be one of the first, ever, to see the current set issue before the public release!

You must have a very good eye for spelling mistakes and gamma errors, also be able to read in a somewhat, quick amount of time.

Also, be able to correct the spelling and/or gamma errors in the issues document and send to be all set.
(Position Closed)

Graphic Designer - Your job as 'Graphic Designer' is to make most of the graphics needed for each issue, or some of the issues.

You will need to be able to make wonderful looking and appealing graphics, suitable for a magazine publication.

Researchers - Your job will be to look on many Game Maker related sites for news, information, exclusives, games, and heaps more, all depending on what you find while looking really.

You would be on sites like: GMC, YYG, 64D, GMB, GMN and probably, plenty more

So, they are the jobs that we are in need of currently. If there is anymore that we do need, I will post them, too.

(Forum is currently being re-installed)


Misconstruct 16 years, 7 months ago

I can take on roles of reviewer and issue viewer, and although I'm not terribly great at it, I could probably do some modest graphic designing as well.

If you want to see my writing capabilities, I recently started doing reviews of games in my blog. There's only one review, but I assume you don't need pages of my writing to judge whether I'm suitable for the job. The review is located here.

Get back to me. :)

F1ak3r 16 years, 7 months ago

somewhat, quick
"somewhat quick". No apostrophe comma.

"grammar". Remember the "r"s next time.

I'd really love to use my spelling and grammar powers to check your issues, but I've not got enough time on my hands. Sorry. Maybe sometime in the future.

Do you accept freelance articles? I only write articles for magazine on a freelance basis, because I don't do it very often, want to offer my work to all magazines, don't want to be part of anyone's staff, and the word "freelance" is cool.

mattthew_h 16 years, 7 months ago

Sure F1ank3r! I will accept Freelance work from anyone, as long as it is decent.

And, you may join the team anytime you would like also F1ak3r, I have noticed that you do have some good grammar and spelling skills.

I have dropped you a PM also, Living Spiral,

Freelancers:I will accept any work that has been Freelanced, as long as it is of a good quality. If you would like to see if I would accept the work before it is written to save you sometime, then sure, just send me a PM, the same as if you have finished some Freelanced work.



SixWinged 16 years, 7 months ago

How many game maker magazines are there now?

F1ak3r 16 years, 7 months ago

Four. MarkUp, GMTech, GM Magazine, and Russell's Quarterly (but that's not really a GM magazine).

Firebird 16 years, 7 months ago

What exactly do I get if I sign up? Money? What kind of software?

mattthew_h 16 years, 7 months ago

No, Russell's Quarterly doesn't really count as a Game Maker magazine, It just doesn't really focus on Game Maker all that much.

@Firebird: No, you will not revice money, even I do not get money from GMM, and I am the owner.

Software, I am not all that sure, but, you may receive a legal GM key, I know that, that was on the list, When I find the list of software that you may recive, I will post it here.


SquareWheel 16 years, 7 months ago

If this "legal GM key" turns out to be either widely used one for GM6, or a link to the GM7 crack, I know I'd be pissed. Please clarify, judging from your grammar I'd assume it's correct, but I have seen fake "awards" before of this manner.

flashback 16 years, 7 months ago

OK, this is getting ridiculous. Month after month your treat us as an advertisement site and I have had enough of it! This is a BLOG SITE, not the classified section! If I see any more of these without some actual blog content, I *will* remove your right to blog.

Quietus 16 years, 7 months ago


I have nothing else to add.