Top 5 best boss fights

Posted by mazimadu on Sept. 2, 2007, 11 p.m.

Hello all the "nice" people of 64Digits. I have to say it has been a nice long summer for me. It started may 27th cos my semester ended and since I am an international student I cant get a job just yet. Oh well, I just had to explore the country and play ps2, N64, Snes, Gameboy and pc games to death. Now I have to move back into the boring old campus and prove to everyone that I got my scholarship myself (thus keeping it).

If anyone has been looking at my blog there where 3 brown spots on my precious spoon. I tried to replace the pic but it kept producing the spoon wit 3 dots. I believe the mods are playing a joke on me with some PHP code:

// pseudo code
if image = mazi.png{

That is what I think. I replaced it with a screenshot of the secret stage of kyle's quest ( ). You can access it by typing " finishme " in the password box. I tried to pay homage to the saw movies in this cutscene.

Top 5 best boss fights

In video games, what makes for a real great game is a great boss fight. Some games have hard bosses while others have a brilliant display of graphics that makes for a really cool looking battle. Now the bosses mentioned in this list are bosses fought and beaten by me. Some of you might disagree, but that is what makes this a good list.

5. Lavos - Chrono Trigger

In a game where you travel across time batteling dinosaurs, monsters, mutants(really, lab 16) and evil robots bent on world domination, who would have thought that the final boss was a god-like alien who spends millions of years in the earths core siphoning the planets energy? Well everyone who play final fantasy thats who!! The asshole his bloody hard, and even harder if you are using ATB system (again with the final fantasy). Beating his final form is a bitch (cos you are suppose to aim for the thingie on the right) but when he dies, you are rewarded with one of 13 of the best endings on the Snes.

4. Psycho Mantis - Metal gear solid (on normal)

I know many of you say this coming. He is on every single top 5, 10, 20 bosses of all time list and anyone who beat him knows he has a place in our gaming hearts. This guy wears a gas mask, speaks in a cool vader voice and can read your mind (i.e memory card and konami games you played, as well as number of saves and the number of kills/alerts). The battle itself is not disappointing either, as the he reads your mind (controller 1) to dodge attacks. Anyway, he was fun to beat. Say hi to the Sorrow for me mantis.

3. Seven Force - Gunstar Heroes

Gunstar is a classic sega genesis game with a shitload of varied and fast paced level design with enough action to keep any contra fan happy. In the mine stage, it delivers the goods with one of the most varied bosses of all time, 7 force. The "7" is no joke, because you are fighting not one, but 7 different bosses controlled by one pilot. Each of these forms can be the final boss of almost any contra game. Defeating one form will lead to another one just as hard and there is no order, they come at random. The fight is addictive and if you have a DS, by Gunstar super heroes and play it on hard, you will know what I mean.

2. The colossi - Shadow of the Colossus

In a game made entirely out of boss fights what do you do? The 16 colossi in this game are all so good. I cant pick a favorite. I can't tell you anything else about this game, so just look at the picture with awe.

Ganondorf/Ganon - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

One of the best all time game villains of all time, Ganondorf in ocarina of time was well, timeless. The final battle takes place on the highest room of his evil tower. After beating him by playing tennis with his energy "BALLS", you escape crumbling tower only for him to pull a sigma (meaning return in a more powerful form) to fight you one last time. This is a classic example of epic games with epic final boss fight.

And that is my list. Also: runner ups for this list

1. Goro - Mortal Kombat : for his 4 arms of total painfulness

2. The 6 legged cat monster thing - The Cleaner : One really complicated, difficult but awesome looking boss.

3. The hydra - God of war - Deserves a spot for looking so good.

4. Organization XIII - Kingdom hearts : if you haven't played final mix (even if it is Japaneses) you don't know what you are missing.


Kairos 17 years, 5 months ago

Yea, you obviously forgot Ballos from Cave Story, the pic that happytrash posted.

I was going to say something if you didn't include Lavos, heh. That thing was awesome.

Scott_AW 17 years, 5 months ago

Yeah, that fight with Ganon was pretty epic. Although the final battle in Wind Waker was pretty sweet too.

Rob 17 years, 5 months ago

What? None form the Ratchet and Clank games? D=

happytrash 17 years, 5 months ago

SquareWheel 17 years, 5 months ago

Links Awakening final boss was awesome. It had like 10 forms.

FireflyX 17 years, 5 months ago

I was wondering what the brown things were doing there but your new banner is awesome! It is that thing off saw, right?

ludamad 17 years, 5 months ago

Haha, nice compilation.

mazimadu 17 years, 5 months ago

Well, I tried to find only 5 of the best and 5 I played. I like the list though.

Also the banner is a screenshot of kyle's quest. The blog says how to view it.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 5 months ago

Quote: Regarding Lavos
Beating his final form is a bitch (cos you are suppose to aim for the thingie on the right) but when he dies, you are rewarded with one of 13 of the best endings on the Snes.

There are a couple endings you can get after defeating Lavos, and you didn't specify which one you were referring to.

mazimadu 17 years, 5 months ago

put simply: Chrono trigger has 13 endings