New Game (using GMPhysics)

Posted by mazimadu on Jan. 6, 2008, 10:45 a.m.

A new year and a new day approaches. I cant believe I have 6000+ views, either I am good or just have been here a long time, it think it is the later. I returned to Nigeria for Christmas (Where people say merry Christmas not Happy holidays) and spent the new year. I will be back in New York Next week. I quite enjoyed the Sun, Food and Chics. It is what I'm used to.

I am sorry to say but I am canceling game of the year. If you want a real game of the year go here ( )

Inspired by marbs Dominoes series I am attempting to incorporate GMPhysics into the latest Squares game. So far I have gotten most of the collisions working (using GMs collision engine) on the main character and interaction using a STATIC mask object. The problem I am having now is collision above the player, the mask interferes, and wither to replace the mask my making the player an actor. Here is the gm6

You may need do have a GMPhysics V4 game to test it, just download dominoes. You will not be sorry.

Speaking of which, I reviewed the game. It was awesome.


RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

The sprites need a LOT of work… they were taken from the GMPhysics Examples. but it looks good.

marbs 17 years, 1 month ago

Thanks for taking the time to do a review on Dominos, and good luck with your GMphysics game =)

As you noted, there is a lack of sound. This is mainly because I am waiting for GMphysics V5 to come out, which will have a lot more functions to allow detection of certain things during a collision, so that I can play the sound accordingly, e.g. a faster impact = louder sound.

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

Well I just like time to be put into sprites, mostly because I'm a perfectionist spriter… and a perfectionist… but I never really get to perfection.

mazimadu 17 years, 1 month ago

Thanks marbs. I was trying to get that to work in my game and almost worked (using get_collide and get_vspeed, there where some bugs). What I need is help with the mask object. I need it to kill the player when hit on the head and well as optimize the game.

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

Well, I certainly like your physics platformer idea. Because I've tried numerous times to make one and it never worked.

Firebird 17 years, 1 month ago

consoletrailers didn't even nominate Crysis for best graphics.

They instantly lose all credibility.

flashback 17 years, 1 month ago

I agree, Firebird.

marbs 17 years, 1 month ago

V4 is very very buggy. Im Dominos I've avoided using any functions that are buggy, such as the get_collide function, and the get_ray_body function. There are also some errors in the GMphysics scripts that can easily be fixed, such as set_body_speed()

The code for set_body_speed() is:

//sets the speed of a body

//arg0 - body ID

//arg1 - speed

h = argument0;

dir = get_body_direction(h);

set_body_hspeed(h, lengthdir_x(dir,argument1));

set_body_vspeed(h, lengthdir_y(dir,argument1));

When it should be:

//sets the speed of a body

//arg0 - body ID

//arg1 - speed

h = argument0;

dir = get_body_direction(h);

set_body_hspeed(h, lengthdir_x(argument1,dir));

set_body_vspeed(h, lengthdir_y(argument1,dir));

That error took me a while to find =]

marbs 17 years, 1 month ago

One more thing mazi, untick treat uninitalized variables as 0, then have fun fixing all the errors you will get ;)

RetroX 17 years, 1 month ago

That's what I do alot… >_>