Flash animation and Newgrounds

Posted by mazimadu on Aug. 8, 2008, 5:15 p.m.

Hey nice to see you guys (in spirit)

After seeing the ENIGMA demo a almost lost my mind. How long has it been in development? I only heard about it this year and it has already surpassed G-java (or G-creator or what ever the hell they call it). The fact that I can edit stages mid game is a huge plus for me. And it is open source, yes. I still support G-java and mobile gaming(if I don't it will never grow) but after 2 years and only one bloody game later ( http://forums.g-creator.org/index.php?showtopic=1678&st=0 ) my patience starts to ween. Nice job ENIGMA team, KEEP IT UP.

Today, I was in need of a flash animator to help me make the cutscenes for my game(see last post for trailer.. alright here it is)


and posted on the Newgrounds forums asking for help. Newgrounds being a bigger community means there are more dip shits per square mile than all GM communities combined. The moment they heard game maker they spamed my post with all sorts of rhetoric like "GM is for Noobs" and "Go home lvl 1 noob". I was expecting some idiot flaming, but come on, Newgrounds has been around for more than 10 years. Any way I did find one guy willing to help my caues but he is as experienced as a 5 year old pizza chef from brazil. I don't need a very experience hand but from what I can tell even I am better than him (heck even rusky is better than him).

Any way , I will keep searching for an animator and if you can help (or know someone who can) let me know. Till then, cheers.



Reek 16 years, 6 months ago

Don't give up dude. Enigma could be cool. It has a better name than "Game Maker" too.

DesertFox 16 years, 6 months ago

Ah! Newgrounds, I love you so!

Bryan 16 years, 6 months ago

Bevels :<

mazimadu 16 years, 6 months ago

For the last time Bryan, I like bevels!!

flashback 16 years, 6 months ago

Bevels :<