Hello 64d. I've been absent from here for quite some time, with very rare visits. I feel very bad about it.
Basically, I have a lot of spare time now that I'm done school and don't have a job. So, 64d, I ask for a list of things that you want done. Bugs are preferable since the site needs to function fine before it can advance.I make no guarantees - I don't even have the server info! - but if I do get a hold of it, I will see what I can do.Edit. Within seconds of my visit, I see something very wrong. That Black Jack game is messed up. Here begins my list:-fix Blackjack game link
Here's what we need. More community games. They don't even have to be games contributed to by the whole community, just games MADE about 64Digits, starring users and such (LOLOMGWTFBBQ, anyone?).
trust your soul to the pathway amd
don't ignore the ignoble.i am unsure as to what to say ut itis curious why we disallow those to become those.So I heard this blog was about asking for bugfixes and not getting them.
I want CPanel/FTP access again >_>
So I can actually do stuff.Edit:The ability to thumb up/down blog entries and comments would be cool.
^ No.
That would be a lot of extra data considering how many comments and blogs there are.
What do you know, we agree on something Bobbo.
I'm not reading the comments so I assume someone wrote,
Fix BB Code/tags and whatever.You can unstick this blog now, he isn't coming back.