Hello 64d. I've been absent from here for quite some time, with very rare visits. I feel very bad about it.
Basically, I have a lot of spare time now that I'm done school and don't have a job. So, 64d, I ask for a list of things that you want done. Bugs are preferable since the site needs to function fine before it can advance.I make no guarantees - I don't even have the server info! - but if I do get a hold of it, I will see what I can do.Edit. Within seconds of my visit, I see something very wrong. That Black Jack game is messed up. Here begins my list:-fix Blackjack game link
Fix your inactivity.
I want somebody to tell me how to use the Bloody chatroom.
You mean the irc? well you can go to slashnet.org, or you could download some IRC clients. I use chatzilla but it's a firefox addon (in case you don't have ff) and it's not the most popular.
Toast's main request: Do any of the above requests.
I request a new GM8 logo.
Dude, you should, like, and, fuck, uhh, teeth.
If you seriously can't figure out how to use IRC, we don't want you!
My request: Send melee-master back.
PY is a hater, by the way (of people who can't use IRC). That's why I don't join the IRC. =DPlus everyone trolls it.Even a year later.Probably.Not at all, Mr. Kilin! It's just that IRC is such an incredibly simple thing to use that if you cannot do it, you likely won't be accepted anyway! :)
Nobody actually trolls, anyway. Just at you.