I will hit 10000 hits with this blog and I havent even been active for the past 700 hits! lol. That is cool. Somehow, somewhere, someone has been looking at my page periodicly.
So I havent picked up gamemaker for a couple of months now. Been busy and even when Im not busy I usually seem to find something to do. Im just not on the computer as often as I used to be, very active on facebook though. I met this foreign exchange student from boos, germany. I like her but I dont think she likes me so were just friends. But I did get the inspiration to start my application to do a foreign exchange program to germany next year. It's a scholarship program which is the only way I would be able to do it lol, my family couldnt pay for anything like that. Anyone here from germany? I like their modern music.I should probably put a picture here or something but I cant image link to my facebook pics so I wont. 1) Today is my half birthday!2) I have an intolerance for people like you.3) What makes the world go round?4) huhu - urban term for hello in germany apparently5) Real men wear pink!-mesenberg
I was 10001 D=
I took 10kmesenberg
I would give you half of my heart for your half birthday, but you've already stolen both halves.
AlsoDo people still care about hits after we were given the power to make them as large as we want?
Vanity always exists.
hold your mouse over the hit badge to see the acual hits -1.
o, we almost do obelisk… thats weird, at first I thought you meant the girl in the middle of the pic…
also, I just let the hit counter take the real thing, people can tell if its a fake number.