free porn!

Posted by mesenberg on Nov. 22, 2009, 3:10 a.m.

You already know where to go so don't expect me to tell you, pervert! :P

I made an website. :D An Emo website! even though I'm not emo, I just like the music and styles. I mainly made it for the sake of production and because now that I can't use Game maker my other website is down. I'm hoping if I can keep this site maintained and build some sort of visitor base that eventually I can monetize it. but thats long term so I dont even know how long it will last lol.

Tell me what are your thoughts, and I know it is very very low technology but I can't script! I would like to add more user interaction to the site so that people maybe can submit content FROM the site or add comments and stuff but I don't know enough to do that lol. So if you could be so kind point me in the right direction lol.

Dangit I hate it when I'm trying to get a girl and I can't read her…. it always seems so simple before u try to get her or after you got her but never while. can I hear an amen?

1) Boise State will make the BCS!!!! im sure of it! :D

2) I wanna live on Spooner Street one day

3) we should have a "preview" button for these blogs…

4) what is it with Germans and global warming… they'll be reverting back to the stone ages before century's end!

5) Hey Nasa just called, they said you need to get on a diet cause your gravitational force is pulling satellites out of orbit! :D



Cesque 15 years, 2 months ago

Oh well, so far as horrible :P

MMOnologueguy 15 years, 2 months ago

:D An Emo website!

It's kind of sad that instead of doing what you want and resisting what you don't in a more freethinking manner you choose to pick an appealing label for which to adhere to. 'Least that's the conclusion I come too after not very much consideration.

I just like the music
lrn2 melodic hardcore(or some other kind of popish punk) Fuck that, it's your opinion.

and styles.
lrn2 goth

Dangit I hate it when I'm trying to get a girl and I can't read her…. it always seems so simple before u try to get her or after you got her but never while. can I hear an amen?
When in doubt I always just assumed she thought I was a the biggest fucking loser ever. Somehow that brought me much happiness but nothing of substance. Maybe that happiness was the substance?

Nice job with the actual website though, it probably sucks but I've seen far worse sites be popular as fuck. Considering the subject matter I wouldn't try to recruit a userbase on 64digits, you're likely to be, uhh, be politely laughed at.

mesenberg 15 years, 2 months ago

@MMOrpgguy ye Im not planning on finding a userbase from here lol that would be silly, but for technical suggestions and help this is a pretty good place to look lol.

Juju 15 years, 2 months ago

be politely laughed at.
I'm holding back.

Alert Games 15 years, 2 months ago

the site looks a lot like a personal site than an interactive one.

Germans believe in global warming? global warming is false. Ozone damage is true. a little different

MMOnologueguy 15 years, 2 months ago

global warming is false. Ozone damage is true. a little different
I thought so too, until some environmentalist told me to look up long wave radiation.

The anthropogenicity I'm not so sure about though.

mesenberg 15 years, 2 months ago

I think the effects of global warming are being blown out of proportion.

Quietus 15 years, 2 months ago

says the guy with the drunk polar bear avatar.

PY 15 years, 2 months ago

That website reminds me of 1995. Change the repeating background, they were never, ever cool. Change the colour scheme , on the navigation bar, red on red will never be good. Get rid of the animated advert for a service you're not even using. Change the banner, it doesn't look emo so much as 10 minutes in paint with the invert button checked. Stop using CAPITAL LETTERS in the middle of SENTENCES for no apparent REASON. If you're 'emo' and shit, why is your e-mail address in pink? And why do you have hearts around your name? Are you secretly a 12 year old girl? Don't put the word 'emo' in all of your navigation links. We get it, you run an emo site, stop telling us that on every link. Stop using tables in your design, and if you're going to use an external css file, actually use it instead of other tags, it'll make editing later so much easier.

Apart from that, it's… well, it renders correctly, and is mostly readable, that puts you above most.

Juju 15 years, 2 months ago

Global warming exists, it has happened dozens of times through Earth history. Localised anthropogenic warming is very common - Central London has temperatures 5 degrees higher than immediately adjacent areas during the winter. Anthropogenic global warming is possible but we don't know. What we do know is that carbon dioxide levels haven't been this high since Earth was covered in volcanos and not a lot else a few billion years ago. We don't know what will happen but it's unlikely to be good. Therefore, playing it safe is probably a smart idea. It also reduces our reliance on fossil fuels which is a really smart idea.