free porn!

Posted by mesenberg on Nov. 22, 2009, 3:10 a.m.

You already know where to go so don't expect me to tell you, pervert! :P

I made an website. :D An Emo website! even though I'm not emo, I just like the music and styles. I mainly made it for the sake of production and because now that I can't use Game maker my other website is down. I'm hoping if I can keep this site maintained and build some sort of visitor base that eventually I can monetize it. but thats long term so I dont even know how long it will last lol.

Tell me what are your thoughts, and I know it is very very low technology but I can't script! I would like to add more user interaction to the site so that people maybe can submit content FROM the site or add comments and stuff but I don't know enough to do that lol. So if you could be so kind point me in the right direction lol.

Dangit I hate it when I'm trying to get a girl and I can't read her…. it always seems so simple before u try to get her or after you got her but never while. can I hear an amen?

1) Boise State will make the BCS!!!! im sure of it! :D

2) I wanna live on Spooner Street one day

3) we should have a "preview" button for these blogs…

4) what is it with Germans and global warming… they'll be reverting back to the stone ages before century's end!

5) Hey Nasa just called, they said you need to get on a diet cause your gravitational force is pulling satellites out of orbit! :D



Misconstruct 15 years, 2 months ago

I was disappointed in his son.

RaiSoleil 15 years, 2 months ago

Your hopme page photo bears an eerie resemblance to the emo white guy at our local CVS/Pharmacy with unexplainable Asian anime hair.

The Avatrol 15 years, 1 month ago

I'm 12 and what is this.

DSG 15 years, 1 month ago

i've been called scene. but im DEFINATELY not. i want cooler hair though, maybe like that DJ Ryle's hair. and tight jeans… just. simply. get. you. laid. trust me. if ur a guy, and you can pull off tight jeans, you will get MORE looks from CUTER girls. idfk why, but it has been true for me.