Humans, worthless?

Posted by mesenberg on June 15, 2006, 6:31 p.m.

Are humans "no better than bacteria"? Are humans animals? Are humans the enemy of our planet?

Whats your oppinion?

The human life doesnt seem to be held in high regard these days with far over 20mil babies killed by abortion all ready. Over 1mil a year. Up here in the North-West USA we have alot of wolves, they eat our animals and even kill humans. But we arnt aloud to kill them because they have just as much rights as humans… Over in europe I hear they have laws that make dogs more better off than their owners. Everyone blames Pres. Bush for high gas prices, I think it is high time that the blame is placed where it belongs, on ENVIRONMENTALISTS. (spelling?) Yeah you heard me, half of our refineries have Very limited production privilages because "they polute the environment". And Oil rich alaska isnt aloud to be used fully because of environmentalists. So we have to import all our oil from the middle east and it has to be re-fined over seas too. What is up with people! Global temperatures have not been rising! Actually they have fallen over the last few years!

Anyways, back to the point of are humans worthless. Humans are entirely different than animals. Us people have Creativity, something animals lack, sure a monkey can scrible on paper but if you call that art…. maybe some humans are just as bad as animals for thinking animals are just as good as humans[:P] Anyways, my oppinions stands that I do heartily enjoy our planet and not go around ruining it like the gold miners did in the gold rush with their hoses and such, but humans are supreme to animals and they should respect but not worship the environment. And thats all I have to say, please state your oppinion. [:)]


melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago


Yes but many types of bacteria and other animals eat the carbon and other greenhouse gasses so its really balanced out, we had a discussion over this in science class. In a couple thousand years, global warming will take effect, but not in the near future.

XD What about the damned cows? And I wouldn't say it's completely balanced out. If it was, then global warming wouldn't ever have effect.


In a couple thousand years, global warming will take effect, but not in the near future.

It isn't technically correct to say that, because of how much technology will advance (either for the good, or bad…), and maybe, new forms of transportation and fuel will be created that don't damage the environment so much. Who knows…

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

[sarcasm]Yes, we have much point in life.[/sarcasm]

Live, make more humans, die.

In some view, it's just kinda pointless.
What a sad situation you got going for you dont you. You obviously are an aithiest, maybe one day youll discover that there is more to life than that. But thats another blog entry for another day.

Yes but many types of bacteria and other animals eat the carbon and other greenhouse gasses so its really balanced out, we had a discussion over this in science class. In a couple thousand years, global warming will take effect, but not in the near future.
AND.. the ammount of gas that is put into the atmosphere has not raised temperatures to a slightly noticable ammount.

melee-master 18 years, 8 months ago

AND.. the ammount of gas that is put into the atmosphere has not raised temperatures to a slightly noticable ammount.

Not true. They've risen enough that the icecaps are starting to melt a lot more.

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

Okay, I'm not aithiest, I'm Christian.

I didn't say in my view, I said in some view. More to life, yes, but we do not better the universe. Gah, just making myself sound worse, how would I phrase it in a good way? >.>
rofl ok, make up your mind [:P]

Not true. They've risen enough that the icecaps are starting to melt a lot more.
where did you conlcude that from? heres an interesting report on the subject…

I think I got my BB code right…

Maxcore 18 years, 8 months ago

Yo you are all stupid. Life is pointless, that is the point. I don't understand why people feel they need a reason to live. We are here by some obscure chance, and we might as well make the best out of it and stop searching for answers that don't exist. Global Warming is not a current threat and is only gaining attention because the government wants to distract you from the real problems. As for abortions, most of the babies born into those families would be worthless anyway, you must realize this.

mixahman 18 years, 8 months ago

some humans deserve 2 die others deserve to strive and help the species evolve… but nowadays indifference, religion and politics are actually killings us! We care for our own and nothing else. Selfish bastards with one track minds, taking away without putting back! Beliefs on an invisible man that rides a cloud like Goku looking at everything u do.

<img src="">

And I see politics as the music industry… they are both in the shitter! Nothing good comes out and we have to listen to it cuz it’s everywhere!

Life is what you make it… there is no heaven but there is a hell, and we are all in it! The only way out is death and that’s pure bliss, but before you die you have to make something of your life (good or bad it‘s up 2 you!) cuz you ain’t gonna be resurrected by a overrated character that people die for nor live with Goku in the clouds and have sex with 72 virgins.

So yeah! we are worthless; so that’s why we must work on not being worthless and be worth something!

Kaz 18 years, 8 months ago

Global temperatures have not been rising! Actually they have fallen over the last few years!
Global temps have high and low points, we just happen to be at one of those points(apparently). It fluctuates(?) so global warming is bullshit.

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago


if your life is pointless then y dont you fix that… And if I was a babie I might want to be asked whether I want to live or not before the choise is made for me. You peoples are killing the next MVP of NFL or the next greatest president.

@How are religions killing us any more than Lack Of Religion, without purpose there is no point to living. And if life has no point then y should I care if I destroy the world? Politics I will agree is not cool, but people disagree so it has to exist. You all seem to have Evolution listed as a fact in your minds, well, you should think again and take a closer look. Evolution is a THEORY, and not the best one at that. It has never been proven nor ever will be. It cant even answer the simplest question of where did the matter that was in the big bang origonate. Broden your minds a bit. Theres more to life than living, and youve only got 1 life to find out what it is so dont loaf around all year… [:P]

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 8 months ago

We're still recovering from the last ice age. Global warming is a human construct, or rather a political construct. There's no such thing. I mean, come on, carbon dioxide in the air? 78% of the air is nitrogen, 20% is oxygen, and 2% is other. Of that 2%, only about 80% is carbon dioxide. Do you know what that means? 0.035% of the air is carbon dioxide! OH SHIT! Time to break out the freezies!

Global warming is about as practical as trying to cool the Earth off with ice cubes.

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

@polystyrene man


one more minor note: Im glad you guys have taken a liking to this blog entry. I luv these debates. I hope you all dont take offence to my beliefs and lower my reputation just because I have different views, we are all civil humans so play nice. [:)] If you guys dont want me to I wont post any more controversial blog entrys [:P]