Humans, worthless?

Posted by mesenberg on June 15, 2006, 6:31 p.m.

Are humans "no better than bacteria"? Are humans animals? Are humans the enemy of our planet?

Whats your oppinion?

The human life doesnt seem to be held in high regard these days with far over 20mil babies killed by abortion all ready. Over 1mil a year. Up here in the North-West USA we have alot of wolves, they eat our animals and even kill humans. But we arnt aloud to kill them because they have just as much rights as humans… Over in europe I hear they have laws that make dogs more better off than their owners. Everyone blames Pres. Bush for high gas prices, I think it is high time that the blame is placed where it belongs, on ENVIRONMENTALISTS. (spelling?) Yeah you heard me, half of our refineries have Very limited production privilages because "they polute the environment". And Oil rich alaska isnt aloud to be used fully because of environmentalists. So we have to import all our oil from the middle east and it has to be re-fined over seas too. What is up with people! Global temperatures have not been rising! Actually they have fallen over the last few years!

Anyways, back to the point of are humans worthless. Humans are entirely different than animals. Us people have Creativity, something animals lack, sure a monkey can scrible on paper but if you call that art…. maybe some humans are just as bad as animals for thinking animals are just as good as humans[:P] Anyways, my oppinions stands that I do heartily enjoy our planet and not go around ruining it like the gold miners did in the gold rush with their hoses and such, but humans are supreme to animals and they should respect but not worship the environment. And thats all I have to say, please state your oppinion. [:)]


mixahman 18 years, 8 months ago

Evolution is a THEORY? you gotta be kidding right? Don't tell me you believe that the world was created in 6 days, Adam & Eve plus the Serpent crap?

With one world I'll answer you "Fossils"

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

mmmm…. I love arguing, but I'm not going to let it get the best of me…

Its funny, before Global Warming everybody was like "Greenhouse effect, yea I believe it, we should start helping stop it!" but they did nothing, now that everybody is like "OMG global warming! wtf!" a lot of the same people are like "Global warming is just BS, I don't give a shit about it, I'm just going to believe in Jesus and fumigate him out of heaven with my 12 mile-to-the-gallon Hummer!" No global warming, oh come on! I lived in Alaska and I know better than anyone the effects of global warming in my 14 years of life alone! During mid winter we used to get over 5 feet of snow, now we are lucky to get 3! Not only that, but California Seals have been found in our waters, there has even been tropical fish caught in the waters of Alaska! Saying there is not global warming is like saying there are polar bears in central Alaska, it once was true but not any more. Saying greenhouse gasses don't make the greenhouse effect is like saying greenhouses don't. And to think people probably won't go through the trouble of reading my post just seeing the length… Okay I'm going to stop now…

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

mesenberg: I agree with you on one thing… Controversy pwns!

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago


Fossils dont answer my question and they prove nothing in evolutions favor. The dating methods for one are proven to be inacurate. Secondly, if evolution occured, you would expect the least developed fossils to be near the bottem of rock layers, but infact you find no order of "development" in the rock layers, lots of mammals are near the bottem and lots of snails are near the top. It seams that all the creatures lived Together. And, the second law of thermodynamics says that order in things tend to decrease not increase, thus the universe is running down not building up. So..creatures could not turn into bigger and better creatures, they would mutate and dye out of disease and such. There has been many creatures extinct, but no new creatures have ever been seen to evolve in the history of man. If so many creatures were extinct faster than they evolved then living things would have vanashed from the earth long before now over millions of years….even if they got started. Sorry, im babeling on. this is another topic for another blog [:P]


altogether, over the last 100years or so, global temp averages have raised 1 degree. But global temps over a much longer time show high and low times, Im not worried about the world burning up anytime in the next couple of million years [:P]

Polystyrene Man 18 years, 8 months ago


-The earth is getting hotter.

-It is not because of humans.



Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

It is a cycle, but its being very much sped up by humans. What am I supposed to read? Your religious, conservative propaganda?

mesenberg: mutation is a part of evolution, you cannot deny the inheritance of mutation via DNA can you? And wtf does thermodynamics have to do with evolution? Prove that to me scientifically and I'll write a book on quantum physics…

Firebird 18 years, 8 months ago

When we move off-world I will be so happy.

Maxcore 18 years, 8 months ago

Maybe if you could spell baby I would consider your point mesenberg. Evolution is a theory because you cannot prove it btw. Just like the theory of relativity. You can prove it on a macro level, but it is too hard to prove on a micro level so therefore it remains a theory, but it is infact true.

firestormx 18 years, 8 months ago

Evolution hasn't been even been proven on a macro level. Things in nature tend to deteriorate over time, rather than exceed.

Anyway, I just wanted to add something to the global warming argument-that-I-stopped-reading-about-post-20.

" In a couple thousand years, global warming will take effect, but not in the near future."

Not true. The average global temperature has gone up…I think like 5 degrees centegrade (9 farenheight) in the past…I don't remember, but it was a short time span. A decade or two I think. And if you look at the ice caps, and how much they've melted in the past 30 years, you'll notice that they are SIGNIFIGANTLY smaller. Maybe not at a glance, from a zoomed out map, but if you took all the melted ice, you could fill up…I dunno, some random country with it.

Like melee said, venus is a good example of what's happening with the…The…Thingy around us…The atmosphere.

While there is bacteria and stuff that helps deal with it, it really isn't helping much. It's estimated that by 2012, we'll be in an irreversable dilema.

I forget all the stats and reasoning and stuff, but it's pretty common knowledge that global warming is happening, and it is causing problems. For example, this year was Canada's warmest winter on record. I WANTED MORE THAN A METER OF SNOW THE WHOLE WINTER! >_<

I can think of a number of writers, scientists, and ex-VPs of the usa who would smack you for saying global warming isn't going to be a problem for the next thousand years. XD

elmernite 18 years, 8 months ago

It is possable for it to cool down.

Global warming is real. However is has a reverse Effect. Once enough smoke gets in the air less sun gets in. Thus, the tempeture goes back down. There's a limit to how hot we can get. And the limit is well within our safety range.
