Evolution vs Int Design

Posted by mesenberg on June 16, 2006, 2:20 p.m.

Everyone has been told in schools that we evolved from monkeys. A well know theory called Evolution has been said to be true in the past twenty years by young folks, but the theory fails to be backed up by evidence. Now lets take a good look at some of its flaws.

-Evolution cannot account for matter.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only change in form. Thus the ammount of matter in the univers cannot grow or decrease. How then did matter come into existance? It would seem that some super-natural force must have created it.

-The forming of even the smallest bacteria is to complex to suddenly happen in some puddle somewhere. If all the molicules somehow came together is some way to make all the parts of the tiny bacteria, then how would all the parts fit together so they would work? Its like taking your car engine parts, throwing them into a swiming pool and having them all come together into your engine. There is no way it could happen on accident. Also the parts must all be intact at the same time for the machine to work, if the machines parts are only halfway there, they wont work.

-The planet earth has just the right tilt and just the perfect distance from the sun with just the right ammount of oxygen and plenty of h2o. And on top of that, we are at just the right place in the galaxy too. There are hundreds of factors that are tuned so finnely so that we could live. I cant remember the exact number but it is far over 1 out of 1000000000000000000000000, that one has 25 zeros, the real number had around 64 or something. The sorce I get that info from is a group of scientists and mathmatisions who figured that out.

-Genes in animals do undergo mutations. No one denys that. What is a mutation you ask? A mutation is when a gene is not present so the creature LACKS an ability. Mutations do not add a gene, it is a missing gene. Various creatures have variable genes, like if a whole bunch of people with red hair married, their children would have red hair and the red hair gene would take dominance. But new genes have never occured to change one creature to another. They have so many genes, they can lose genes, but not gain new ones.

-The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that dissorder tends to increase in a system. So creatures that were little cells do not mutate into frogs, for that would require more order and things fall apart over time, not get better. Old cars dont get better than new cars. New cars are better and old cars get broken over time. Its all around us!

-Saturns rings have been deteriorating rapidly, the inermost ring has shifted 200km closer to the planet. Neptunes rings are also deteriorating rapidly. If the planets took so many millions of years to form, then why are they coming into disarray so fast.

-Fossils do not give evolution any legs to stand on, the layers of sediment are full of fossils which are in no aparent order. You find large highly soffisticated animals in lower layers, and small little crawlers up near the top.

-Humans were around before dinasours became extinct, there are cave drawings and stories and writings recovered all about dinasours.

Well, thats all ill do for now. Just write your oppinion and thoughts on the matter and we'll have a swig at this controversial issue [:P]


marbs 18 years, 8 months ago

I mostly agree with all that, mesenberg. There are lots of other arguments against evolution, but I can't think of any now as I am tired…ZZzzz

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

@shadow yoshi

Actually Dinosoaurs were created when animals were. But Im not going to argue about creation today, this is mainly about disproving evolution.


ty and yes, my mind isnt what it is sometimes either.

Rez 18 years, 8 months ago

In Evolution, aren't monkeys, apes and fish all the same? =/

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

hmm, your mutation part is untrue, let me tell you why: As you are so keen to bring thermodynamics into evolution, let me tell you this: Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. now explain how your god works, following that law. Dinosaurs were around millions of years before humans, you are thinking of the ice age. see my evolution blog for more information on the beginning of the universe, and life itself.

Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 8 months ago

You've got just about all your arguments wrong. I can't be bothered to write why right now, because I'm supposed to be going to bed. Might write one tomorrow.

Josea 18 years, 8 months ago

A mutation is when a gene is not present
You're not well informed about mutations. Mutations are just a change in the genetic material, no matter where it is. A Mutation can affect from even one gene to a whole cromosome.

Mutation is just a change of the genetic material. For example, the Down's Syndrome, it's a mutation caused by a bad separation of comosomes during meiosis, causing a person to have 1 EXTRA cromosome, and that's a mutation.

Most mutations, to not say all, are perjuditial.

I believe evolution exists, but I say God made everything from start and made everything work so perfectly in our universe. Also I think evolution is controlled somehow by God.

KaBob799 18 years, 8 months ago

Your whole theory is based on the idea that god is somehow inable to create evolution…..

and mutations arent always when genes things are missing, they can be changed as well, a gene sequence can be written incorrectly. Which is infact common, but we have so much useless dna that we hardly notice it.

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

@genetic mutations

genetic mutations have added genes, infact I have a picture on a magazine of a deformed cow with an extra leg, the leg is useless and the cow soon died. In a forest somewhere in europe there are pepperd moths, Some with white genes others with black genes. When curtian white trees started growing in the area the black moths would show up so well that they were being eatin, soon black moths were hard to find. Nothing has evolved here, the white gene is lost and the black gene is dominant. New genes have not evolved ever to make the creature more better and evolve into another, even over millions of years.


ancient writings that have been discovered have described dinasours seen by humans. The chinies dragon was probably not a figment of imagenation, the word dragon was the ancient way of saying dinosoars.

Also about energy, since any of the laws of phisics do not alow for matter and energy to be created, that is specifically why a Super-natural force makes sence, God is not God unless he is all-powerful, he made the univerce and all of its design. Why shouldnt it be God.

marbs 18 years, 8 months ago

Actually matter can be created and destroyed, but I can't be bothered to explain. All through school they tell you you can't create or destroy matter, but its a LIE. They just can't be bothered to explain it all to you, but then again, neither can I.

Extravisual 18 years, 8 months ago

God can't be if there is no way for his energy to exist in the first place. And what ancient writing were those? Do you deny the existance of cave men with no written langauage? They were around long before the chinese…