Evolution vs Int Design

Posted by mesenberg on June 16, 2006, 2:20 p.m.

Everyone has been told in schools that we evolved from monkeys. A well know theory called Evolution has been said to be true in the past twenty years by young folks, but the theory fails to be backed up by evidence. Now lets take a good look at some of its flaws.

-Evolution cannot account for matter.

Matter cannot be created or destroyed, only change in form. Thus the ammount of matter in the univers cannot grow or decrease. How then did matter come into existance? It would seem that some super-natural force must have created it.

-The forming of even the smallest bacteria is to complex to suddenly happen in some puddle somewhere. If all the molicules somehow came together is some way to make all the parts of the tiny bacteria, then how would all the parts fit together so they would work? Its like taking your car engine parts, throwing them into a swiming pool and having them all come together into your engine. There is no way it could happen on accident. Also the parts must all be intact at the same time for the machine to work, if the machines parts are only halfway there, they wont work.

-The planet earth has just the right tilt and just the perfect distance from the sun with just the right ammount of oxygen and plenty of h2o. And on top of that, we are at just the right place in the galaxy too. There are hundreds of factors that are tuned so finnely so that we could live. I cant remember the exact number but it is far over 1 out of 1000000000000000000000000, that one has 25 zeros, the real number had around 64 or something. The sorce I get that info from is a group of scientists and mathmatisions who figured that out.

-Genes in animals do undergo mutations. No one denys that. What is a mutation you ask? A mutation is when a gene is not present so the creature LACKS an ability. Mutations do not add a gene, it is a missing gene. Various creatures have variable genes, like if a whole bunch of people with red hair married, their children would have red hair and the red hair gene would take dominance. But new genes have never occured to change one creature to another. They have so many genes, they can lose genes, but not gain new ones.

-The 2nd law of thermodynamics states that dissorder tends to increase in a system. So creatures that were little cells do not mutate into frogs, for that would require more order and things fall apart over time, not get better. Old cars dont get better than new cars. New cars are better and old cars get broken over time. Its all around us!

-Saturns rings have been deteriorating rapidly, the inermost ring has shifted 200km closer to the planet. Neptunes rings are also deteriorating rapidly. If the planets took so many millions of years to form, then why are they coming into disarray so fast.

-Fossils do not give evolution any legs to stand on, the layers of sediment are full of fossils which are in no aparent order. You find large highly soffisticated animals in lower layers, and small little crawlers up near the top.

-Humans were around before dinasours became extinct, there are cave drawings and stories and writings recovered all about dinasours.

Well, thats all ill do for now. Just write your oppinion and thoughts on the matter and we'll have a swig at this controversial issue [:P]


Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 8 months ago

Oops, in the 'If you think about it' paragraph, I meant 'Evidence is uncovered that a view held by a religion is wrong.'

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

Ok, I did some research so heres my responce.

-The theory of evolution must defend its foundation on millions and billions of years or how can it defend the billions of years needed for evolution to occur. If the universe isnt billions of years old then evolution looses its time frame. Creation on the other hand suggests that God created the universe, thus, the question is not an issue. You might ask what did God come from and the answer is that he has always been and always will be. If he is God, then he is infinate, he is all powerful, he knows everything and nothing can escape his site so why shouldnt he have created the universe. But if you dont believe in God then how will you accept this argument? To be continued….

-In laberatories, they have not made life spontaniously occure. They have direction electric shocks to bond amino acids together. Nothing random has happend in that environment, It was designed by scientists. Now out in the harsh conditions of a pool on a volcanic planet. We see other problems. First the simplest cells DNA would, if you wrote it on paper, take 1000 pages to write out. For humans its about 500 times that amount by the way. The DNA must be perfect or the cell will not work. Along with all the other parts of a cell needing to bond and attract together to work. Since electrisity is needed to make them bond, a lightning strike is proposed. But it is entirly different than some directed shocks in a controled environment. If a human is struck by lightning, he does not develop more, just the opposite, he falls appart. The lightning that would strike a pool would almost defination blast the molicules apart than make them bond. And then Therodynamics comes in. I will tell about below a ways.

-I dont know where you got your idea of hydrogen living cells but that is false for all I have learned, all living creatures that we have ever found, whether they live under water or on land use oxygen, plants included. Plants give oxygen off because they dont use as much as they make. Fish and one celled creatures use the oxygen that is in water to survive. Also, the chances of other planets like our own in this galaxy or many others even on the most pessimistec scale is not that optimistic at all. Astronamers have estimated the total amount of stars in the 100billion stars in the galaxy. Without taking into account that there is only a curtian part of the galaxy which alows for habitable planets, on a optimistec scale with 1/10 possibility that a planet would have a curtian feature neccissary for complex life is 1 out of 1,000,000,000,000,000. I wont go into detail about what all those aspects are unless you want a detailed report. I have the research on a science DVD. Not to mention that most stars dont even have planets.

Also I dont know what you mean by other kinds of life. What is life defined as in your book anyways?

-And about genetic mutations again. Mutations can be additions of genes or subtractions or substitions, but creatures cannot gain new genes that are not already there. They never have, never has a scientist seen a new gene gained by an animal. They have always been in the range that the creatures genes allowed for. On top of that we find that of all the known mutations to mankind, we have seen NONE helpful mutations. If we have then you may remind me. A small list of unhelpful mutations are as follows.

-cancer (all types)

-Cystic fibrosis mutation

-sickle cell anemia

-cholesterol related…

-and thousands more less common.

Quote "not one mutation that increased the efficiency of a genetically coded human protein has been found."

So it would seem that all mutations are bad. People might have genes that make them larger or there muscles get larger but Natural selection has never made creatures gain genes. The world is dying out not growing better.

-About thermo dynamics. I had a feeling you would say that, but I am well prepared to talk about open systems too. Open systems still lean toward dissorder. Order may only increase at the expense of even more disorder somewhere else without exception. Raw energy only speeds up destruction and has never been known to build up. As I stated earlier, undirected energy would destroy any amino acids in the primordial soup faster than they could build. Living creatures get old and die. Disorder increases in their body and they fall apart.

-Saturns rings,

I recieved the info first from a science magazine and then with a click of a butten, right here

-Fossils that are complex are also found in layers lower down. which means that those creatures must have been living together when they were buried. And, there have been no fossils found that link the various types of creatures together. No one has found a squid with a backbone. The missing links between creatures are clearly evident as more and more fossils are dug up. Shouldnt they find a whole bunch of in-between stages animals.

-if you consider those drawings carefully and think about history, people were not digging around for bones in those days and would not have constructed dinosaurs out of bones for any particular reason. There are plenty of credible reasorces that dinosaurs didnt all die out way back when and I am posative that dragons didnt because the chinies mascot because of a couple of bones. Serioulsy tho, then there is the picture of that there dead swimming dino on a beach, if that doesnt look all to recent to you then I dont know what will.

-I never said earth was at the center but that the milky way was close, let me give some references.

best reference

another reference

And lastly to your final paragraph, yes I was brought up in a Christian home and I truthfully believe the Bible to be true and that choise was made by Me. And I can honestly say that I have zero doubts about the validity of creation but that doesnt mean that people refuse to believe it. I do think that evolution was invented to have a way to live without having to answer to God. I know that evolution is false and will be shown as false in the future. And I take no offence at your arguments. Wow this has taken a long time to type.


Tyranic-Moron 18 years, 8 months ago

for the point on organism's living without oxygen, look up anaerobic organisms.

mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

ok I see that there are some single celled organisms that use less than normal or a substitute other than oxygen. So maybe not Everything needs oxygen to survive, but everything complex that needs alot of energy.

elmernite 18 years, 8 months ago

Guess what people I have this great thing that keeps track of time. It has these little hands and the move in circles and it's perfectly balanced to keep track of the time. Now I found this on a island where NOTHING had ever set foot. So this means that it must have been formed over time.

I'll bet that over time the sand compacted and made the glass.

The ore in the ground came togeither to make these little gears. A lizzard came along and died to so now it has this nice strap. Then a woodpecker came along and poked these holes so I can adjust it to my hand. Now no human made this it was completely made over time.

I decided to call it a watch.

If any human believed this story he would be locked away in an insane asylum. Now take how much more complex humans are and there's your answer. (For the record I didn't come up with this story I heard it at a speach and it made so much since that I recreated it here to the best of my ablity.)


mesenberg 18 years, 8 months ago

ty elmernite, over millions of years you would not find something like that anywhere, not even the geers to make it. Although its only used in a metaphor sense [:P]