Anyone Need a Composer?

Posted by mr8bit on Sept. 17, 2012, 6:55 p.m.

Hello all. My name is mr8bit and I am the composer on the recently-released game, DUNGEONMEN: Men of Dungeons, which won second place in the RPG4D contest. I was just posting to see if anyone out there is interested in having me compose a soundtrack for their game… FOR FREE.

I have a few stipulations, though. First, I insist on having control of the ENTIRE soundtrack. I won't do just one or two tracks. I can't stand it when a game has a cobbled-together, inconsistent soundtrack and I refuse to be a part of any such thing. Second, it is essential that I have a good deal of freedom as to what the final soundtrack will sound like. You can tell me a general feeling or mood of the music you want, but NOT what instruments I should use. And third, I do not do midi. I will send mp3s, oggs, WAVs… whatever. Just not midi.

That's about it. If you are interested in my offer, check out DUNGEONMEN to get an idea of what I do. I work in all styles and have no preferences in regards to the game's genera. Hit me up and let's get to work!


Toast 12 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to 64digits! Have a badge! Hurray!

Castypher 12 years, 5 months ago

Interesting offer. I have a feeling someone's going to take advantage of this for S4D.

Welcome, by the way. And congratulations.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 5 months ago

Would you be interested in taking the music load on a game I'm kind of working on with Charlie Carlo?

It would be much more preferable considering the stuff I usually put out.

mr8bit 12 years, 5 months ago

Thanks Toast. Thanks Kilin.


I might be interested, but I have a few questions. Who is Charlie Carlo? Could you give me any info on the game?

And why do you down yourself so much? That track is pretty decent. I would add more drums more quickly, though. Like at the 13 second mark, you know? Slow build and then… BANG! Butt-punch of drum-fueled piano creep to the FACE.

Rez 12 years, 5 months ago

I love your dungeonmen work and I would totally take up on the offer if it didn't look like I was desperately trying to make a dream team for my compo entry.

mr8bit 12 years, 5 months ago


Not really sure what that means, but if you want me to be a part of a "Dream Team," then I am all for it. Send me some info on the game and maybe we can become the competition's NIGHTMARE. ZING!

Castypher 12 years, 5 months ago

Dream team is exactly as it sounds. Basically, it's Rez, who's a good pixel artist and concept designer, Ludamad, who's one of the better programmers on the site, and if you join, they'd have everything.

This ought to be interesting!

mr8bit 12 years, 5 months ago

I'm sold. Let's do it, Rez. Send me some info so we can kill this thing.

Sorry if I don't know the who's-who of this community, yet. I'm sure I will make a jerk of myself many (many) more times.

EDIT: I would post a portfolio, but the stuff I am the MOST proud of is for games that are still in development. I believe that tracks by themselves (like, not accompanied by a game) simply don't give a person the FULL impact and context of the music. You know? That and I have had my stuff ripped off before.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 5 months ago

I didn't listen to the music of Dungeonmen in detail, either. Please YouTube it or something while I am lacking in an actual computer with the game and internet access. :D

This dude is Charlie; we went to a now-essentially-defunct game development forum when we were young'uns. That is to say, like, last year.

He does graphic work where I can't and bugger all seems to enjoy it. I've yet to figure out how it is that people can enjoy pixel arting, but it's probably because I'm bad at that too.

Oh, right, self-esteem?

That track I posted was supposed to be a title theme to the Oakfalls game, which I can rant about in a PM or something if you'd like. For more examples of whatever it is I tend to do, and if you don't mind the large quantity of shameless plugs, my soundcloud.

The only things of note really on there would be the Lunacy Star 2 soundtrack, and even then only a select few of those, in my opinion.

Rez 12 years, 5 months ago

I sent you a PM with some details, mr8bit!