Gridripple engine

Posted by necromian on Jan. 16, 2008, 4:07 p.m.

After playing gridwars for the 20 billionth time, I began to look at the game from a programmers POV as I usually do, and so I attempted to recreate the background grid in gm6 (Being the only version on my computer at this time, as my laptop with gm7 is with microsoft now :P. This is also the reason I'm uploading this file to media fire rather than my website for those few of you who are wondering).

So after looking a bit into arrays and the such, I came up with this:

Doesn't look like all too much in the screenshot, but then again - It's not moving, which is the entire effect. Also, the render's are all line based for now, but since I'm using gm6 which doesn't have surface functionality, using shaders with this to make a 3D ripple effect would be death to the CPU.

But without further adeu, here are the basic controls for what I'm calling the 'gridripple engine'

Left mouse click - Cause a forceful outward ripple

Hold left mouse and move - Cause a slight ripple

Hold right mouse - Create a worm hole at the mouse position

Press spacebar - Turn off the render (Only if your cpu is running too slow to do anything else)

There are also a few controls I threw in there for the sake of knowing how people's FPS's relate to the number of grid's drawn, so -

Press 1/2 to change the spacing between gridlines

Press 3/4 to change the number of gridlines drawn (If they're created out of the screen they will be destroyed)

Press 'Enter' to generate a new grid based on the values above. (May cause a bit of lag if the number of gridlines is above 150)

So here's the download link, please tell me how many gridlines are being drawn and your current fps ^_^


Kaz 17 years, 1 month ago

Cool, you could make this into like dynamic fabric in games.

Killpill28 17 years, 1 month ago


gtvg 17 years, 1 month ago

Smexy. Would this work with a texture applied? Fabric would be nice.

necromian 17 years, 1 month ago

Yeah, a fabric texture could be applied, however since I'm using a surface incompatable version of game maker right now, anything other than the lines would run at about 2 fps. Also, a good fabric texture would probably require about 10-25 spacing, which would require a ton of gridlines and therefore a ton of lag. But I'll see what I can do with it after I get gm7 again ^_^

Ferret 17 years, 1 month ago

I think I remember you working on this earlier, it is truly amazing, pat your self on the back and go brag to people. 10/10 what? this isn't the game page? we;; I see a ton of use for this in games, (water man! aim for water!)

funny how some people try to make impressive graphics while people like me just try to make games with what we got

Omega_Squid 17 years, 1 month ago

At first I thought the title was "Gridnipple Engine" >_>

stampede 17 years, 1 month ago

Awesome :o

SquareWheel 17 years, 1 month ago

"At first I thought the title was 'Gridnipple Engine'"

I don't know why, but I read "Gridapple Engine".

Amarin 17 years, 1 month ago

Will you be releasing the source so it can be used?

SunTzus 17 years ago

Wow, that's bootylicious….

Very nice engine and yet I have no idea how to do it XD