What to do all summer...HELP!

Posted by neonut99 on June 29, 2006, 8:11 p.m.


What do you people recommend I do all summer??

I have to read a lot so what are some books you recommend??

I move into a house in August. Right now I live on the streets. (JK, I'm at my grandparents' house. Its pretty big and awesome.

No one will come on MSN to chat with me.. I feel so so so so…..

I'm sitting on a chair with holes in it because of the weaving, my sister crawled under and started poking my ass. I released a toot(/ fart/ w/e you call it) and of course held her tight[:D].Give her a wiff. That little rat, were having a scaring competiton, each scare gets 1 point. So far today its 2:1, I'm leading!!

It rained most of the day. I watched Hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, I'm also reading the book… To bad the movie was a screener, bad quality [:(]

Well, hopefully someone will come onto MSN and talk to me. I dont want to go to bed now because I have too much energy but theres nothing to do!!! Any suggestions of what I should do after it gets dark??


<b>Scaring competion update:</b>

Still 2:1. My sister get 20 points for being a total idiot in the Idiot Sister Competition (if it existed).

She must hate carpet because she sneaks up on me and either the carpet creakes or she starts laughing. She can't stop, suspence makes her laugh I guess. (weirdo!)



How many of you people are Canadians like me? How many of you live in Ontario?

For all you Canadians out there,


(White wouldn't show so I used EEEEEE)


Quote: JakeX



hobomonkeyc 18 years, 7 months ago

hahahaa melee xD!

anyway, get a job, thats what im doing so i can save up for the Wii and a car :P

neonut99 18 years, 7 months ago

Can 13 year olds get jobs? XD

noshenim 18 years, 7 months ago


chores, except not real jobs…

also, change your avy so that it doesn't have a level 24 reputation at the bottom >_>

Alx 18 years, 7 months ago

Unless if you make your own business no. God it sucks being 13 and wanting so many things.

neonut99 18 years, 7 months ago

Lvl 24 rep?? DOnt you mean 6 star??

And why should I??

neonut99 18 years, 7 months ago

Actually, I can work at

Quote: http://www.worksmartontario.gov.on.ca/scripts/default.asp?contentID=2-2-4&mcategory=health
here are currently no minimum age requirements for health care establishments, libraries, museums, golf courses or schools.

neonut99 18 years, 7 months ago

Oh damn. Off to bed. See yall!

flashback 18 years, 7 months ago

Most of the staff is canadian. I live in the praries, JakeX lives in the maritimes, Canadonian and FirestormX live somewhere in Ontario.

hobomonkeyc 18 years, 7 months ago

im from east compton

in case anybody wanted to know ;)

[eh] canada [/eh]

ludamad 18 years, 7 months ago

Fsx+matt live in Toronto, I live like a 20 minute ride from them. Not that I would ever have any reason to drive to them :P